Jazz in the Park

Last night saw our annual 'Jazz in the Park' event take place at the school.

As always, the night was a relaxed and fun celebration of the start of the school year. The live music from Hoodoo Mayhem was perfect and there was delicious food and drink and fun games organised by SKiPPA (our Parents' Association) and made possible by 85 parent volunteers.

As a school we are so lucky to have such unique and wonderful traditions as Jazz in the Park that bring our community together in such fun and positive ways. We are just as lucky to have such an active and committed parent community who understand how special these traditions are and work so hard to keep organising them year after year.

We need to thank a long list of people for making this event happen;


  • Woolworths Metro St Kilda
  • Little Sister Bakery
  • Calm & Stormy drinks  
  • Harris Family Butcher, Bentleigh East
  • Big Tree Gin
  • Hoodoo Mayhem and our very own Julian Boult
  • Our amazing parents/carer volunteers that helped on set up, BBQ cooking & serving, the bar staff and clean up crew.  
  • Neil, Nova, Wendy, Michelle and Jac for all they do in the background with printing, cash and eftpos organization and gas bottles!
  • The staff members who found the time on such a busy week to stay and enjoy the fun!

Most of all we need to thank the wonderful crew at SKiPPA for coming together right at the start of the school year and pulling off such a big event so smoothly and capably. 


If you are keen in getting involved with our Parents' Association, please reach out to them at stkildaparkparents@gmail.com


Thank you to everyone who danced and pranced to Jules Boult with Hoodoo Mayhem at Jazz in the Park. We have another exciting event coming up!

The SKiPPS community is invited to join a family-friendly New Orleans style brass band parade, featuring members of Hoodoo Mayhem, at the St. Kilda Blues Festival on the 1st and 2nd of March.


  • Date: Saturday, 1st March
  • Time: 6 PM
  • Meeting Place: Luna Park
  • Look for: Nathan with his tuba or Shira with her umbrella
  • Dress Code: Wear red to join the parade, bring your own umbrellas or noisemakers. Unicorns and tutus encouraged!
  • AND
    • Date: Sunday, 2nd March
    • Time: 3 PM
    • Meeting Place: The Espy

For more details on the overall festival, visit: https://stkildabluesfestival.com.au/

We hope to see you there!