Literacy News

Pen Pals
Last call for letters to the members of the Sacred Heart Community. I strongly encourage all SKiPPS students to pen a letter to someone who needs a smile. Address it 'Dear Pen Pal', and give it to Jac at school this week. I will be delivering the letters later this week and currently I only have a few letters to share.
Here is a letter that Isabella in year 2 has written to her Pen Pal, Heather.
Home Reading
Home Reading in F-2 is currently being organised with many new books and will be up and running for next week. All students in Foundation and Years 1 & 2 are asked to bring their SKiPPS 'Orange Bag' to school every day with their reading book inside.
Thank you for supporting this by reading with your child each night. All students in F-2 will be given a new Home Reading Journal for you to keep a record of what they are reading. The journal has a couple of activity pages included, feel free to give these a go at home. If you have any questions about reading, please see your child's classroom teacher.
As part of our ongoing commitment to developing strong reading habits, we encourage all students in Years 3-6 to read for at least 20 minutes each evening at home. To support their learning, all students in these year levels are currently participating in engaging novel studies in their classrooms. It would be wonderful if your child could also have another book on the go at home to complement their class reading!
Term 1 class novels are;
- Year 3: Matilda by Roald Dahl
- Year 4: Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo
- Year 5: War Horse by Michael Morpurgo
- Year 6: A Ghost in My Suitcase by Gabrielle Wang
Jac Morphy
Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Instruction