Faith, Justice and Formation

Year 9 Integral Justice Day
Last Thursday 12 September, Year 9 took part in an Integral Justice Day held at the Don Bosco Youth and Recreation Centre, St Mary’s. Led by Mr Youssef, our cohort learnt about the devastating effects we individually have on the environment from factors such as plastic waste pollution and use of fossil fuels. We were taught several alarming statistics for example, if the average person consumed the same number of resources as most Australians and North Americans, we would require five Earths to support humanity. Year 9 learnt how the standard Australian takes a 7-minute shower every day, which is equivalent to 70L of water being used by every individual.
Under the environmental theme of the day, ‘Action for a Better World’, Year 9 also brainstormed a range of different solutions to reduce our damaging effects on the environment. One solution was to use the “half-flush” when using the toilet, taking quicker showers and reducing water wastage. Buying items requiring minimal packaging, recycling cans, bottles and other recyclable boxes are other effective ways to reduce waste pollution.
We engaged in various activities relating to the damaging effects society has on the environment. This included Year 9 answering deep questions, such as ‘are we allowed to consume as many resources as we want, since we were created in God’s image?’. We then had to think deeply and move to the side of the room based on our opinion. Most people moved to the side that said “disagree” for that question.
Each homeroom went on to design their own special recycling box to help lower Year 9’s overall impact on the environment. My homeroom invented a basketball hoop box creating an engaging way for students to dispose of excess paper. Finally, we created one pledge on a strategy we can use to improve the environment which was glued to a large poster for the entire year group. Some examples included pledging to recycle all our bottles, having shorter showers, and watering the garden using recycled water. To conclude the day our grade read The Lorax, a great reflection allowing Year 9 to truly understand the effects the St Patrick's community has on the environment.
Overall, Year 9 Reflection Day was essential in teaching the students about their negative impacts on the environment, and how we can reduce these disastrous effects.
Ethan Flunt | Year 9 Student
Year 12 Friday Morning Mass
We welcome all Year 12 students, parents and carers to Friday morning mass this week celebrating at 8:10 AM in the Chapel with Father Jack Evans.
Year 12 students will also have an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Friday at 2:30 PM, followed by Mass at 3:30 PM in the Chapel, and then afternoon tea at 4:30 PM in the Scientia Plaza. This is completely optional for Year 12 students. We also welcome back to the College Old Boy Father Andrew Grace ('83) who is visiting from Wagga Wagga.
Jasmine Porter
Acting Director of Identity
Earn 3 SOL Service points for taking part in the Clean Up!