Deputy Principal

Trivia Night - Friday the 13th
Last Friday the P&F held their annual Trivia Night at Canterbury League Club. It was a great night where we got to celebrate as a community by having some friendly competition playing trivia. Parents got to both strengthen friendships and meet new people. I am always amazed by the generous efforts of our P&F Committee. I particularly thank Dione Fague and Nerida Shipley for their amazing organisation. This event did not just come together on the night. It involved months of planning, from booking the venue to organising the tables. They went above and beyond in contacting businesses for prizes and sponsorship. All their hard work ensures that every dollar raised goes towards providing the best education for your sons.
The College appreciates the work of our entire P&F Committee. They are our unsung heroes, ably led by our President Elena Ierardo. Elena and her entire committee have endless energy and over the last three weeks have involved themselves in providing us with our Father’s Day Morning Tea, and then catering for our Major Works Exhibition Night, which backed onto last Friday’s Trivia night. It is an extraordinary amount of work undertaken by a small group of parents/carers.
I encourage every parent/carer, when you see the call-out for helping at barbeques or helping to cater for morning teas or attending school events like the BBG Annual Dinner and the Trivia Night, to get involved. Many hands make light work. On behalf of the entire community, I would like to thank the P&F for everything they do to support the College.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal