
Senior Basketball Update
We would like to inform you that for the upcoming ISA Basketball season, the College will be testing a new approach by grouping students according to their year group rather than their age group, as we have done in previous years. Please note the ISA Competition will still list teams by age group to help schools ensure they have enough players for each division.
Age groups corresponding to the 2024 year group:
- U13s = Year 7
- U14s = Year 8
- U15s = Year 9
- U17s/Opens = Year 10 and 11
We have received numerous requests over the years from families wanting their sons to play with their peers in their year group, and this trial aims to address those preferences. Please note that this change will be in effect for the 2024/25 Basketball season only.
If you would prefer your son to remain in his current age group, please send your request to both Mr Boggs and me.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
On behalf of the College, I’m delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Patrick (Year 8) and Jack McDonald (Year 10) for receiving the recent NSW Volunteer Awards. Their dedication and active involvement with the Narrabeen Beach Surf Life Saving Club are truly commendable.
Senior School Winter Sports Presentation Evenings
Parents/carers and students are advised that the Senior School Winter Sports Presentation Evenings are scheduled to take place this week:
Wednesday 18 September
Secondary Football Presentation Evening 7:15 PM College Gymnasium
Thursday 19 September
Secondary Tennis Presentation Evening 7:15 PM Robson Auditorium
Secondary Rugby Presentation Evening 7:15 PM College Gymnasium
Please be aware that:
- the presentations are compulsory for all students
- for parents/carers - it is optional
- the Football and Rugby presentations are scheduled to conclude by 9:15 PM
- the Tennis presentation is expected to finish around 8:15 PM
- with these timings in mind, please arrange your transport accordingly, especially for picking up your son/s.
Sports Team Photographs
Reminder Years 7 to 12 Winter sport photos will be taken tomorrow Thursday 19 September.
All boys are to ensure they wear the correct playing attire for these photos including rugby/football boots. Photo schedules have been published for student viewing via the daily notices in homeroom and SPC App.
Anthony Calavassy
Director of Co-curricular