Year 5/6 and Specialist


Term 3 has been massive in the gym! Our major unit of work across the school was all about gymnastics! Plenty of fun was had learning all about jumps, rolls, balances and more! 

We also took some year 3-6 students to the Officer District and Cardinia Division Athletics Finals. Our students always try their best at these events and I am super proud of all them!

Congratulations to 2 students - Taylor and Alex from the senior school - who placed first and second in their events at the Division Finals and now progress to the Southern Metro Region Finals in Term 4! Well done legends! 


Taylor - First place in high jump, second place in discus

Alex- First place in discus


I am looking forward to an awesome Term 4! 



This term in Visual Arts was a big one! We created a whole school collaborative art piece for Reconciliation Day, a digital art with Aboriginal artist Sam Richards and preparing for the upcoming Art show on November 14th. Everyone has been working incredibly hard on their art pieces and they all look fantastic!!!




The student leaders created a digital art piece with Aboriginal artist Sam Richards which tell the story of how reconciliation action plan of RAP. 


The story of the artwork speaks to home and belonging at the centre, a sense of self and strength of that knowledge. The diamonds around represent protection and a safe space to discuss mental health and wellbeing. The suns in the corners, as well as the mountains, the four circles, the dark red shapes and the two shades of the background, represent nature in its various forms while the pathways with footprints and dots between the two background colours are the journey of people and animals across the landscape, learning from it and protecting it. Bunjil is watching over everyone as they go on their journey throughout life, protecting them along the way.


Have a great holiday and see you at the Art Show on November 14th




Term Three was an exciting time in STEM. Some highlights were;


Chickens!!! We had the Henny Penny program which allowed the student to observe, hold as well as learning how to take care of the chickens for two weeks. 




The entire school learnt about chicken life cycles, detailed scientific observations and animal adaptions and habitats. The seniors created 3D animal hybrids to demonstrate their understanding of how animals adapt to their environment.


We had students present at two different conferences :) 

The first conference was held online, our students presented on computer coding to an international Conference organised by Scratch - a program from MIT/Harvard.  


The second conference on Artificial Intelligence called AI in Education was held in the city and the students - Oliver, Mackenzie and Jayda did an amazing job presenting and making a video about their idea to use AI for sustainability. This video was entered into the Day of AI video competition which you can see in this link -




As we end the term, we have a group of students competing in an international Mario Kart Tournament being held in the United States of America. Currently, Charlie in 3/4A is leading the school and is 28th in the world, amazing! You can see the rankings on this link -





Term 3 has been a big one for Performing Arts. Mrs Downie, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Peebles, and I are all so proud of the effort and enthusiasm the students brought to their rehearsals for the school show. The result was an outstanding performance! Since the show, students have been focusing more on Drama, with the junior grades using finger and hand puppets to re-enact nursery rhymes and fairy tales. The senior students have practised monologues, and performed these in small groups, using expression and empathy. As a treat for the end of term, some students delighted in dressing up and dancing to see out Term 3. We hope everyone has a magnificent break and look forward to revisiting music in Term 4 and preparing for the Christmas concert. 






Senior School Term 3 Update

Camp by Mackenzie Sleep

This term, the Year 5/6s went on their urban camp and stayed next to the zoo in the city. Some of the activities the Year 5/6s did included going on a river cruise, visiting Scienceworks, ACMI, the aquarium, going to the zoo at night, and the Queen Vic Market. My favourite activity was the aquarium, as we got to see a 50-year-old crocodile and a fluff ball of a baby penguin. At the aquarium, we also watched a 4D movie where the seats would kick your back and fake snow would fall down.

Learning in Maths by Arshnoor Kaur

This term in Year 5/6, we have focused on many topics, including multiplication, division, fractions, and mapping with coordinates. In the first few weeks before camp, we found out the activities and timings for our trip. In our books, we used our Chromebooks to search for the final details and wrote down what transport we would use to get from place to place and the timings for each activity. We were also given a map with coordinates and had to work out the coordinates for each activity on our map.


Literacy by Ollie Cowling

Throughout Term 3, the Year 5/6s have learned a variety of skills and literature. For example, the Year 5/6s analysed a book titled The Lemonade War, then showed their understanding of Economics & Business by making business proposals. Everyone had creative and fun ideas with realistic proposals. We also learned the strategies and techniques for a successful debate. At the end of the topic, we were put into groups of 3 to compete against another group. There was 1 group leader and 2 teammates. 

We also explored a text titled Waves, where we saw different perspectives from people around the world travelling to Australia. Overall, throughout Term 3, every Year 5/6 student has done a spectacular job in achieving success in literacy.

Senior Sport by Ellyse Hainsworth

In Senior Sport, we have done challenges like tug of war, silent mats, dodgeball, and lots more. We had lots of fun and showed great sportsmanship while playing these games. It was a fun experience for the Senior School.


Book Week by Frankie Petty

Book Week was on the 19th of August, and many people dressed up as their favourite book characters. We had a fun parade where different classes walked around the gym and showed off their amazing costumes. There were loads of Harry Potters and Marios.


Civics & Citizenship by Oscar Ravenhall

In Senior School, we have been learning about Civics and Citizenship. In this unit, we learned what it means to be a citizen of Australia and other countries. We also looked at some global issues, including rights issues and world conflict. We researched these issues and made presentations to present to the class.


Athletics by Indi Bunker

In Senior School, we also competed in different events on Athletics Day, which involved the whole school, but a lot of people from the Senior School were good enough to compete in District Athletics! Everyone had a fantastic time and we are so proud of their efforts. A handful of them went on to Division Athletics, and a couple are going on to Regionals.