Leadership Report


We’ve had an absolutely jam-packed Term 3 with a variety of exciting experiences for our students. Our Year 3-6 students enjoyed their camp experiences, our preps celebrated 100 days of school and had a fantastic day out at the farm, and we had our school disco, Book Week parade, school concert, and Footy Day.


We are incredibly proud of each and every one of our students and wish them a well-deserved break. We hope they return well-rested for Term 4.


Next term, we are looking forward to more exciting events, including our Art Show, Year 2 Sleepover, Year 6 Graduation, and our Whole School Christmas Concert.




Our Prep students had an amazing time participating in the “Dress Up as What You Want to Be When You’re Older” day, which was held on Thursday, 19th September. As part of their inquiry unit on Community Helpers, the students eagerly showcased their understanding of the different roles and professions that help our community thrive.


From doctors and firefighters to artists and astronauts, the variety of creative costumes was truly inspiring! It was wonderful to see the students express their aspirations and what they’ve learned through this fun and engaging event. A big thank you to all the families for supporting the day with such enthusiasm!




As we head into Term 4 and the warmer months, it’s time for all students to remember their SunSmart hats. In line with our school’s SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear school uniform hats whenever they are outside—during recess, lunch, sports, and any outdoor activities.


Please make sure your child brings their school hat every day to stay protected from the sun. Hats are essential to help shield students from harmful UV rays and keep them safe while enjoying the outdoors. Please make sure your child’s hat is clearly labelled with their name, so if it gets misplaced, we can quickly return it to them.


If your child needs a new hat, they are available for purchase at the school uniform shop.

Let’s work together to keep everyone SunSmart and safe next term.



FOOTY DAY – Friday, 20th September

Our school community came together for a fantastic day of fun and school spirit at our annual Football Day. Students proudly wore the colours of their favourite footy teams, from the AFL’s biggest clubs to local teams, soccer, and rugby sides. The colourful parade was a highlight, with the school grounds filled with jerseys, scarves, and flags. It was great to see the enthusiasm as students participated in the parade, smiling and cheering for their teams!


The day’s highlight was undoubtedly the highly anticipated Staff vs Year 6 students footy match. Both teams played with heart, determination, and plenty of laughs. The Year 6 students showed great skill and determination, taking the lead into half-time. However, the staff wrestled back control and took out a closely fought contest. 


Adding to the day’s excitement was the delicious Footy Lunch organised by our amazing Parents and Friends group. Students loved the hot dogs and snacks!!. A huge thank you to our dedicated parent volunteers for making the lunch such a hit!


Football Day was a wonderful way for our school to celebrate teamwork, school spirit, and the joy of being together. Thank you to everyone—students, staff, and parents—for making the day so special!




We’d like to take a moment to thank those who have already stopped using the Kurmboon Kindergarten car park during drop-off and pick-up times. Your support is helping to keep our youngest community members safe, and we truly appreciate it. 


Additionally, please remember to observe the speed zones around the school and use the designated parking areas during drop-off and pick-up. Let’s work together to ensure the safety of all students and families during these peak times.