Student Well-being

Year 5/6 Community
This term in Wellbeing, students in the Year 5/6 community have been learning about ‘help-seeking’ through the Respectful Relationships unit. Children can experience all kinds of challenges as they grow and develop. Their help-seeking behaviours are fundamental to their mental health and well-being. Encouraging and fostering help-seeking behaviours is one way to improve mental health and well-being.
From this Wellbeing unit, students have developed an understanding of:
- When to seek help, especially when the problem becomes bigger than what they can solve independently.
- Who they can seek help from and trust to help them, using their support networks (peers, family, teacher, etc…)
- How they can ask for help using ‘help-seeking’ stems
Below are photos of their thoughts, work and the question stems they used when acting out help-seeking scenarios and their back-to-back drawing communication activity. Through these activities, students learnt about help-seeking avenues and developed their confidence to seek help from an appropriate source.
Lauren Borg
Student Wellbeing Leader