From the Principal's Desk

Learning Conferences
Thank you to all families who booked an interview time to meet with your child's teacher to share progress over the past term. I hope you found the opportunity worthwhile and were able to come to a common understanding of goals moving forward.
Please take the time over the holidays to view your child's Portfolio in detail. We ask that you return it by the start of the new term.
Fees and Levies
Thank you to all families who are up to date with fee and levy payments for 2024. This is a reminder that (unless you are on a payment plan) fees and levies for the 2024 school year need to be finalised by Friday, 20th September.
Sponsorship Thanks to the Bendigo Bank
A huge thanks to Bendigo Bank Seddon for supporting our Vision for Reading Program with a $3,780 grant to purchase decodable readers for our junior children.
As with all educational initiatives, schools need to build new resources, so the additional funds are very much appreciated.
Swimming Program
Our Year Prep-4 Swimming Program commences on Wednesday, 23rd October, and will run for eight (8) consecutive days at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre.
Swimming is part of the Physical Education curriculum, and it is expected that all students attend. Students travel to and from the venue by bus each day, and each lesson lasts 43 minutes.
An Operoo form will be sent out to families with full details in the coming days.
School Disco
I hope you have all marked in your diaries the date of this year’s School Disco, which will be held on Friday, October 18th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. (the second Friday of Term 4). This is the social event of the year for our children and should prove to be a huge hit!
Mobile phones will not be permitted to be brought into the hall.
Our PFA will be assigned various supervision tasks throughout the evening, so we ask parents to drop their children off at 6:30 p.m. and return to collect them at 8:00 p.m. sharp.
Our Disco is open only to children in Years Prep-6. The cost is $10.00 per child ($15 per family), payable at the door on the night. Once inside, children will not be permitted to leave the hall until they are collected by their parents at the conclusion.
Our always-popular Candy Corner will operate, where children can purchase goodies such as drinks, snacks, and glow sticks!
Our School Disco is always a popular event on the calendar and this year will be no exception!
Summer Uniform and Hats
Next term, the children will transition into their summer uniform by the end of Week Two.
If you need uniform requirements, I suggest you get an order form in early, either by collecting one from the school office or by completing and submitting the attached form.
School Closure Days
Please mark in your diaries the remaining School Closure Days for 2024 -
- Monday 14th October: Positive Behaviour Support (Tier 2 strategies)
- Monday 4th November: Teacher Time in Lieu Aquittal Day
- Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Have a wonderful holiday
God Bless
Anthony Hyde