Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


Here we are at the end of Term Three! What a fantastic and wonderful term it has been. 


This week, our Strategic Review concluded with the Review Panel meeting to discuss our previous Strategic Plan, discuss findings and look to the future. The next steps in this process will be to wait for our Reviewer’s report and then finalise our new Strategic Plan. Once this has been completed, I will share our new goals, targets and key improvement strategies.  On a side note, I was elated at many of the comments from our Review, as they were so very impressed with our amazing school, students, staff and community. 


As many of you will know, our Fun Run was held this week. We are still busily tallying all of the laps and information from the day’s proceedings. Please make sure that money is donated to our school as quickly as possible, so that we can work out our competition winners. The Fun Run is always a monumental endeavour; always requiring a massive team of volunteers to ensure it runs smoothly. Our community banded together again so positively to support our school and students across the day. Thank you so much to the many of you who marshalled, tallied, cheered, supported, or just came along to watch. It was a wonderful day! 


In true Dana Street fashion, one busy day was quickly backed up with another, with Japanese Day. Again, our community came together to provide such rich and wonderful cultural and linguistic experiences for our students. 

I really admired the Grade 5/6 students who coordinated a number of different stalls for the younger students across the day. We had dango, mochi, kaik-gori, taiyaki and sushi! There was also badge making, manga artistry, karaoke and calligraphy. Of course, who could forget the sushi lunch!  Again, thank you to the many parents who helped our students prepare food and stalls across the day and a very special thank you to Sensei Bec! 


Today, we held our Values Assembly, a great time to reflect on our Values of Respect and Care, Responsibility, Inclusion, Tolerance and Understanding, and Excellence. To Annie, Tasmyn, Maeve and Douglas, I congratulate each and every one of you for continually displaying our School Values and being an inspiration to us all.  


Finally, I do hope that everyone is able to spend some time as a family over the next couple of weeks. Please remember that Term 4 requires students wear a wide brimmed hat as per our SunSmart policy. 


I look forward to seeing you all in Term 4


Ryan 😊