Student Awards

Students of the Week
Alexa C, PC - for always setting a fantastic example in class and always pushing yourself to achieve more. Keep up the can do attitude!
Zoe W, 6D - for her wonderful traits of responsibility and empathy. Zoe is always mindful of what needs to be done and she is always thinking of other people.
Harvey A, 2B - for always looking out for everyone in the class and in the yard. You are such a cooperative friend and are always willing to lend a hand. Thanks for being you!
Oskar F, 5D - for the way you demonstrate the HERRRBy Values through your contributions to the GPS lunchtime extracurricular activities.
Green HERRRBY Award
Lexi P, 1C - for always making sure the classroom floor and surroundings are free from rubbish
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Toby W, PB - for always working hard and enjoying Japanese activities during the lessons.
すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Audrey J, 1D - for demonstrating HERRBy values and working hard during the Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Olivia B, 2B - for showing good manners and actively participating in Japanese activities.
すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Tilly R, 3B - for always demonstrating HERRRBy values and trying her best in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Tia K, PA - for showing kindness and care to others when in need. What a great friend you are!
Zac B, PB - for being persistent at making 3D monkey bars that could stand up! Your playground looks great! Superstar.
Max R, PB - for being a good listener and learner when making our playgrounds. Your play equipment looks so creative. Well done. You can do it!
Zoe N, PC - for her incredible writing skills. You have improved so much! Keep it up Zoe.
Max W, 1A - for his enthusiasm and excellent role playing of a naughty student during our Old Fashioned School Day. You were a star!
Henry R, 1B - for being a great mathematician. You have been able to share collections into halves, quarters and eighths. Keep up the great work!
Bella C, 1D -for always trying your best. I love seeing how much your confidence in starting new tasks has grown. Keep up the amazing effort!
Ariella F, 2A - for your outstanding report about ‘Giant Pandas’. Your language and structure was impeccable and I learnt a lot from reading it!
Lewis V, 2B - for his outstanding attitude and participation in all classroom activities.
Noah C, 2C - for your creative writing piece on your favourite animal. What a huge vocabulary you are developing! Keep it up
Zac F, 2D - challenging himself each and every week with complex maths equations in his homework.
Amelie K, 3A - for working really well in her group when making a simple machine.
Ashton M, 3C - for the effort he has shown in mastering his times tables and the overall growth in his multiplication skills. Keep it up Ashton!
Elly W, 4A - for her wonderfully positive attitude every day when she comes to school.
Mia S, 4B - for her mature and great sense of humour. Thanks for making 4B a fun place to be!
Mert G, 4C - for demonstrating great focus throughout our biography writing topic and producing fantastic work Well done!
Shelby B, 5A - for ‘stepping up’ over the last few weeks Shelby, to show what you are really capable of. Well done!
Macy G, 5B - for consistently showing respect and kindness for your peers and teachers.
Seth C, 5C - for consistently demonstrating exceptional handwriting throughout the term. You should be proud of your achievement.
Xanthe A, 6A - for the energy and enthusiasm she is bringing to her role in Eureka and for the positivity and humour she displays every day!
Ryder M, 6C - for his outstanding effort and hard work in Maths Clinics on fractions. Your work has been excellent!