Principal's Report

It has been at least 12 months in the making but the big moment has arrived, tonight we will witness the Gardenvale Primary School Production of Eureka! We wish our cast and all of the staff and parents, who have worked so hard, all the very best for a successful and enjoyable musical show piece. We hope that our students will have an exhilarating time on the big stage and remember the experience for a long time to come!
Year 1 Old Fashioned School Day
As part of Year 1’s Looking Back Inquiry Unit the children dressed up in olden day clothes. Our Year 1 teachers taught the children about what it was like to go to school in the olden days. I am sure they agreed that it is much nicer going to school nowadays!
Footy Day
Footy Day will be held on the last day of Term 3, Friday 20th September. Students are asked to dress up in their footy gear or sports team colours. Students will participate in activities involving AFL football skills at the beginning of the school day. If there are any parents that are available and able to help out with the footy skills rotations, for approximately 1 hour, could they please email the school on and indicate which campus they would like to volunteer at. After recess the whole school will assemble and sing all of the clubs’ songs. Our Assembly will be held at the Senior Campus from 11.15am, parents are most welcome to attend!
Have you noticed how lovely the Junior Campus garden looks? We are very grateful to Leanne, grandmother to Lucinda in Prep B for all her hours of weeding and pruning the gardens.
Have a lovely week and hopefully see you at the Theatre,
Janine Hall