Sports Report

Hoop Time
On Friday August 30th, students from Year 3 and 4 competed in the Hoop Time competition at Diamond Valley Sports Stadium. Students played a range of games throughout the day against schools from across the North East Region. Well done to all participating students for the teamwork and positive encouragement they showed when playing. Well done to all students who achieved some great goals for their team. Thank you to our excellent basketball coaches Dean and Jesse for helping their teams on the day!
Lawn Bowls
On Friday August 23rd, the Epping Views Bowls team represented the school in the Division Lawn Bowls competition at Whittlesea Bowls. The Epping Views team played games against Whittlesea Primary School, Plenty Parklands Primary School and St Marys Parish Primary School Whittlesea and finished 3rd place overall. Well done to Thupisha, Jada, Ollie, Jeriah, Kaylob and Isaac for their commitment to mastering their skills throughout each game they played. There were some excellent shots made!
Division Athletics
On Tuesday 10th September, 11 students represented EVPS at Division Athletics on The Meadowglen Athletics Track. Well done to all the students for participating and for demonstrating the school values with pride!
Congratulation to William Hua who came first in the long jump event and Enzo for coming second in the shotput event. Both students will compete at the Regionals next term. We wish them good luck!
Well done everyone!
Aaron & Nicole, PE Team