Term 3 - Week 9
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As we approach the end of Term Three, it is important to look back on everything that has been achieved throughout the term, both in the classrooms and within our wonderful community. This will be our final newsletter for the term.
Term Three Highlights
We began the term with our whole school Geography Immersion day, which involved mixed aged groups of students moving through classrooms and participating in activities relating to different continents. We also had our Olympics Celebration Day and a week of Potato Maths activities. There was great engagement in the Family Maths Night with parents participating in the ‘Daily review’ maths sessions. Playgroup continued to be a hit every second Friday and we introduced the children to our wonderful Year 4 students, who took them under their wings immediately.
The Year 5/6s spent the day at Hooptime and displayed great team spirit throughout all of their games. We had Parish masses for Years 1/2 and 3/4. Book Week began with a fabulous dress up parade in the hall and then activities in classrooms and reading beautiful picture books. The P&F Op Shop Ball was a hit not only as a fundraiser but also a fun way to build relationships within our school community. ‘Bully No Way Day’ gave all students the opportunity to reflect on the importance of kindness, inclusion and belonging. Our Lego Club, run by Miss Miller, was once again hugely popular, with many students teaming up to design their ideal classroom out of Lego. We celebrated our dads and special men with a breakfast and Liturgy. This week, we had excursions with our Prep to Year 2 students visiting the Botanic Gardens and students from Years 3 and 4 visiting Ricketts Point.
Italian Day was full of fun and all things Italian! Students made masks, participated in the Great Waiter Race and enjoyed a very funny live Italian show. An extra special highlight of the term was our Prep 100 days celebration. The joy on the children’s faces as they arrived at school in their special outfits and the way they participated so eagerly in their activities demonstrated how connected they feel to their school and teachers. The Year 4 students received their Sacrament of Eucharist or a special blessing. The gentle confidence and respect they showed is a credit to themselves, their families and teachers.
What a full and rewarding term of learning, community engagement and connection! I would like to thank our whole staff for their endless dedication, commitment and hard work each and everyday. Thank you to all our families for your support of the children and our school. We look forward to a wonderful Term Four together.
Coming up at St Agnes’
Each year in Term Three, students in Years 4 to 6 and all families and staff are invited to complete MACSSIS: the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Survey. The main aim of the survey is to identify the strengths and areas for development in our school. The data provides valuable information that the school uses to inform the St. Agnes’ School Improvement Plan and Annual Action Plan. Parents are encouraged to
participate in the survey to provide a parent voice to help shape the ongoing improvement of our school. Survey instructions have been sent via email. Parents will be able to complete the survey anytime over a three-week window up to Friday 20th September 2024. Please be on the lookout for this email. We appreciate your feedback and ongoing support.
Connor’s Run - Sunday 15th September
Our School Captains, Callan and Arabella have been working to establish a team for Connor’s Run on this Sunday, 15th September. We are encouraging all parents, staff and children to get involved in this incredible event and register as part of the St Agnes’ team. You can walk or run and there are distances to suit all. Follow this link to register or make a donation on the St Agnes' page
Thanks to Mrs Phyland, Mrs Law and Mrs Baker for supporting this. We will aim to meet together before the start of the 3km run.
Staff Leave
Lachie Foott is on long service leave from 6th - 18th September (inclusive) to take a family holiday to Noosa. Aggie Gorski is taking leave from Friday 16th September until Monday 14th October to travel back to Poland to visit family. Aggie has been planning this trip since 2020, but the pandemic interrupted all efforts. Nicci Murdoch will be the main Year 2 class teacher while Aggie is away.
R U Okay Day
Thursday 12th September is R U Okay Day. Mrs Georgiou and our school captains, Arabella and Callan, will greet students at Peterson and Locinda Street gates, wish them good morning, ask if they are okay and give them a sticker to wear for the day. Each class will participate in a special circle time activity on the theme of looking out for each other and asking our friends and classmates if they are okay.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Our Year 6 students are busily preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. They have their ‘Reflection Day’ today at which Bishop Tony will visit. They will receive the sacrament on Saturday 14th September at 6pm mass. All are welcome to attend in support.
School Review Dialogue and Feedback Session
On Thursday 19th September, Judi Gurvich, our school reviewer, will meet with the Leadership team and two senior staff from MACS to discuss and receive feedback on our recent School Review.
Footy and Pie Day
We celebrate the end of Term Three with Footy and Pie day on Friday 20th September. Mr Otto and Mr McMahon are working with the Year 6 Sports Captains to make this a joyous and memorable day. The children are invited to wear casual dress on this day in their favourite sporting teams colours.
End of Term Three
School concludes for the term on Friday 20th September at 1.30pm. Term Four commences on Monday 7th October. We look forward to what will be a massive Term Four with Prep Orientation, Swimming, the Walkathon, Art Show, Grandparents Day, Camps and much more.
SSV Athletics - new date
The new date for the SSV Athletics day for our Year 3 to 6 students is Monday 7th October, which is the first day of Term Four. Please check Operoo for any updated information.
Transition to Summer Uniform
From the start of Term Four until Cup Weekend, students can choose to wear either their summer or winter uniform. After the Cup Weekend, all students need to wear their summer uniform, please refer to the Uniform section of the newsletter for second hand uniform shop open days and the list of summer uniform requirements.
School Hats
Students will be required to wear their hat at recess and lunch from the start of Term Four. It is best if hats are left at school.
Trash & Treasure Event
On Sunday 10th November St Agnes’ will be holding a Trash & Treasure Market. Stall bookings open the first week of Term Four. If you would like to join the organising committee please contact Amy Anderson on 0413 697 612.
Assemblies are in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons. Parents are welcome to attend. At assembly, there will be presentations from classes, student awards, birthday acknowledgements and special announcements from student leaders.
Wed 11th Sept - Year 4
Wed 18th Sept - Year 1
Wed 9th Oct - No assembly
As this is the final newsletter of the term, I would like to wish all families a very happy and restful holiday.
Kind regards,
Amanda Baker