
Wisdom from above
"Jesus' life, death and Resurrection reveal that authentic power is service. Every Christian is called to embrace the margianalised. We will be judged in our love for the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the prisoner."
Pope Francis, Homily for the Inaugeration of his Pontificate.
Humility must accompany every good work so that we do not make our service about us. In humility we find authenticity.
Lord Our God,
You sent your Son into the world
to live with us as one of us,
to heal, to teach, to sanctify,
and to proclaim the Good News
of the coming of the Kingdom.
Help us to live our Baptism to the full
and to find ways to do what Jesus did:
to bring joy and life wherever we go,
to lift up the suffering,
and to tell other people
about the new life Jesus has bought us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Reference: Celebrating the Lectionary Year B