Important Notices
Information you need to know
Important Notices
Information you need to know
If you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2026 please complete an enrolment application without delay. Our 2025 Kindergarten Classes are already full and we have a considerable waiting pool. To avoid missing out on 2026, please complete your application now.
Our school will be supporting Operation Christmas Child this term. Operation Christmas Child collects gift-filled shoeboxes and distributes them to children in over 100 countries in the Name of Jesus Christ.
What can you do to help?
We are asking each child to purchase one item and place it in their class’ collection box. These items will be collected at school between 16-27 September and packed into individual shoeboxes over the holidays.
Class allocations:
Collection boxes will be placed in the wet area of each Primary classroom for students to place their donation in. There will be a 'boy' and a 'girl' box in the Secondary office area for Years 7-10 donations to be placed in.
Items to include:
Do not include:
Lollies, food of any kind, drink mixes, liquid paint, toothpaste, shampoo, bubbles, medicine, vitamins, any used items, glass, porcelain, mirrors, war-related items (toy guns, knives, military figures, skull & crossbones), Halloween items, play money, playing cards, dominoes, tracts or Bibles.
If time is short
We are also asking for small monetary donations of any amount to assist with the cost of postage and handling ($12.50 per box) and we would also like to have enough money to be able to include 'The Greatest Journey' Discipling course with each box ($10 per box). We are hoping to send approximately 60 boxes and 'The Greatest Journey' course, so we will need to raise approximately $1400 in total. Use the button below to make a monetary donation.
Students will be starting back at school using a staggered approach in February 2025. This means:
To view all the Term Dates for 2025 please click the button below.
At the end of this term we will be farewelling Mrs Landstra as she leaves NCS to travel and work in various parts of Australia and the wider region for an extended period.
We are so thankful for her seven years at NCS and wish her well for her future plans.
Next term, Mrs Beatri Dekker will be teaching 4L. Mrs Dekker is an experienced primary school teacher who has recently arrived in the Shoalhaven with her family from South Africa to begin teaching at NCS.
Please pray for Mrs Landstra as she embarks on her adventures and for Mrs Dekker as she adjusts to a new school and country.
Recently a number of safety concerns have been brought to our attention regarding the school carpark.
Please take care when entering and exiting the school. It is important to remember that during school pick-up and drop-off times this is a School Zone and limited to 40KM/H.
Please drive around the carpark at walking pace and obey the signs. Please be mindful of pedestrians and other cars when driving through the carpark, especially during the peak morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times.
Please use the drop-off zone in the morning. Do not drop primary students in the carpark and allow them to walk themselves across the carpark. If you need to park, please escort your children across the carpark.
Secondary students are reminded to be cautious when crossing the carpark. Please do not be looking at your phones while walking through the carpark.We also need to add about not using your phone while driving in the carpark
We thank you for keeping everyone's safety in mind when driving at or near our school.
We're running a house point initiative for NCS students, staff and parents/carers.Record 10K steps a day on your smartwatch or mix up your intensity throughout the month of September. Just record a total of 300,000 steps by the end of the month to earn some house points!Visit: to find out more.
With our HSC exams happening next term, we are in need of some additional HSC Exam Supervisors. The main role of a Supervisor is to make sure all students follow NESA’s exam rules. Supervisors report to the HSC Presiding Officer and help them with other duties.
A supervisor’s duties may include:
The length and number of shifts a Supervisor receives depend on the number of exams held during the exam period.
An Exam Supervisor must have high ethical standards to uphold the integrity of the exams. They must be well-organised, have good attention to detail and be able to respond appropriately to maintain the dignity and wellbeing of students.
A person cannot be an Exam Supervisor if:
An Exam Supervisor must:
If you would like to express an interest in being a HSC Exam Supervisor this year please click the button below and complete the form as soon as possible.
If you need to collect your child early for an appointment or convey any alternate plans to catch the bus, go to car lines etc., this will need to be done prior to 2.30pm. Due to how busy the Front Office and classrooms are after 2:30pm, we cannot make late arrangements after this time.
If your child will be absent for school, it would be appreciated if you could complete and submit the below form or call the school office on Ph: 4422 1199 prior to school starting. If no notification is received, an SMS will be sent out to you which will require your response and reason for your child's absence.
This form can be completed in advance if you know your child will be away from school for any reason.
Please be reminded that students are required to be outside their classrooms at the following times:
8:25am Secondary
8:35am Primary
Infants parents/carers, you may walk your child to their class before the school bell, but once school has started, they will need to walk themselves to their class on their own.
If your child is late to school, please ask them to come to the window next to the front office to check in. If they are not with an adult, you will receive an SMS to confirm that you are aware of their late arrival to school.
Student supervision begins at 8:10 am. Parents are asked not to drop students at school before this time. It is understood that buses arrive earlier than this. For those students who routinely arrive by bus before 8:10, they are expected to sit until supervision begins. It is suggested that they have a book or something else to do during this time.