Upcoming Events

Please add these events to your calendar, if relevant

Years 5-12 - Have you ordered your BBQ lunch for Monday 23 September?

Year 12 Graduation Assembly

Operation Christmas Child K-12 Mufti Day - Friday 27 September


Make a $2 donation online to our Operation Christmas Child Appeal and come dressed in Mufti on the last day of Term. Please ensure your child's clothes meet our Mufti Day Guidelines. All $2 mufti day donations should be made online before Friday 27 September using this link https://www.trybooking.com/au/donate/sendabox24

321 Course starts Thursday 17 October

Got questions about God, the world and you?


The 321 course invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Begin 321 here. Engage in thoughtful conversation as part of a small group hosted in a friendly environment. Interact with the videos then share your thoughts and experiences with others.



Join us at our next 321 course.

Hosted by Nowra Christian School.

First Session: 

Thursday 17 October, 2024

Time: 7.15-8.15pm


The course will run over four consecutive

Thursdays from 7.15pm in the School Library

Bookings essential.


Register now at https://bit.ly/ncs321

Whole school events

Mon 16 Sept Operation Christmas Child shoebox donations until 27 Sep
Wed 18 Sept Cut-off for Years 5-12 Ordering their BBQ lunch for Monday
Mon 23 Sept Staff vs Year 12 Basketball Game and Years 5-12 BBQ
Thu 26 Sept Year 12 Graduation Assembly
Fri 27 Sept Last Day of Term 3
  Operation Christmas Child Mufti Day
Mon 14 Oct First Day of Term 4

Primary Events

Mon 16 Sept Year 5 Amazing Me Zoom session (evening)
Tues 17 Sept Instrumental Groups
Wed 18 Sept Ethics Olympiad (selected Stage 3 students)
Thu 19 Sept K-2 Gymnastics
Fri 20 Sept Mini Athletics Day
Mon 23 Sept Year 4 Excursion
Tue 24 Sept Instrumental Groups
Wed 25 Sept Stage 1 Dinosaur Dig Day
  Year 6 Exercise-a-thon
Thu 26 Sept K-2 Gymnastics
Fri 27 Sept Operation Christmas Child Mufti Day

Secondary Events

Mon 16 Sept Write a Book in a Day
Tues 17 Sept Year 10 PPEP Talk Session
  Year 10 Geography RoSA Field Trip
Wed 18 Sept HSC D&T Marking
  HSC Physics ANSTO
Thu 19 Sept NEXTSTEP (Naval Aviation Prospects Scheme)
Fri 20 Sept CSSA 15&U Girls & Boys State Basketball Finals
  Year 10 Work Experience Diary Due
Mon 23 SeptLunchStaff vs Year 12 Basketball and BBQ
Tue 24 Sept CIS Athletics
  Year 12's Staff Appreciation Morning Tea
Wed 25 Sept Seniors Celebration Day
  Years 8 & 9 Refugee Council Visit
Thu 26 Sept9.15amYear 12 Graduation Assembly
 6pmYear 12 Graduation Dinner
Fri 27 Sept Operation Christmas Child Mufti Day