Art Show

Thank you so much to all the parent helpers in the Art Show Team who put in so much of their time, organising, writing, creating, sorting, labelling and installing art. I could not have done it without you. Thanks to Annabel B, Kylie L, Jess A, Sarah M, Alice K, Annabel D, Catherine D, Imi O, Denise A, Rebecca K, Krissy F, Pip M, Ken T, Isabel DS, Kathryne H, Shaila F, Kathleen L, Kate H, Ingrid S, Bronwen B and Susie T.
(sorry if I've forgotten anyone!)
Thanks also to the parent helpers who made the snacks and drinks stall happen and for working so hard serving all the hungry and thristy art show punters!
Thanks to the school council, office staff, leadership, ES staff, Art Show committee, teachers and our special guest judge, Sarah Kelk, for taking the time to look at every art piece and pick their favourite.
Finally thanks to all the absolutely outstanding students who put so much time and effort into creating their masterpieces. I will never not be blown away by the sheer talent and creativity of our students. Everyone should feel so proud - I know I do!
Olivia D