Message from the Principal Team

Week 9 Term 3
Celebrating the Success of Our Art Show!
On Tuesday night, Carlton North Primary School was buzzing with excitement as we held our highly anticipated Art Show, and it was a huge success! A massive thank you to our phenomenal Art Teacher, Olivia, whose creativity and dedication inspired our students to produce such fantastic artworks. Each piece showcased the incredible talent of our young artists, and it was truly a joy to see their creativity come to life.
We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents and staff helpers who lent their support, both during the event and on the night. Your contributions made the evening run smoothly and created a memorable experience for everyone involved.
The Art Show was not just an exhibition of talent, but a reflection of the extraordinary community spirit here at Carlton North Primary School. It was beautiful to see so many families come together to celebrate our students' hard work and creativity.
We look forward to more events that bring our community closer together and continue to showcase the talents of our amazing students.
Thank you for making it a night to remember!
Meet and Greets - Foundation Students 2025 and New Students Commencing at CNPS
Over the past four weeks, Jane and Rachel have been hosting meet-and-greet sessions with our 2025 Foundation students and their families. These sessions provide a wonderful opportunity for us to warmly welcome new students and families to the CNPS community. It’s also a chance for us to get to know each of our incoming Foundation students individually and address any questions they or their families may have.
We are also excited to welcome four new students who will be joining us next term, along with a new student starting in FMM this Monday. Meet and Greet sessions have been held with these new students and their families, ensuring a smooth transition into our school community. We trust that everyone at CNPS will welcome these families and demonstrate our school's value of inclusiveness.
Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 18 September 6:00pm
We will be conducting an Annual General Meeting to present and discuss the Annual Report to the School Community on Wednesday, 18 September, at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held in the Library and parents and carers can attend in person or online via the
WebEx link below:
Join from the webinar link
Join by the webinar number
Webinar number (access code): 2651 220 6442
Webinar password: qcGi6iJWn78 (72446459 when dialling from a phone or video system)
Our School Council President, Rebecca Slater, will also be available to answer any questions about the Principal recruitment process to be conducted in Term 4.
2024 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey - Reminder
To date, 71 out of 197 CNPS Families have completed the survey!
This is a reminder for our families to please take the time to complete the 2024 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey. The data collected from this survey is invaluable in informing our school improvement and comparing our school to similar schools and schools within the Yarra/Darebin Network.
The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.
Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.
The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey is open online from Monday, 29 July, to Friday, 20 September 2024.
All families are invited to participate in the survey. The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed conveniently on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
School Name: Carlton North Primary School
Campus Name: Carlton North Primary School
PIN: 199510
Principal Team
Rachel, Jane and Erin