Noticeboard and Important Dates

Important Dates
Friday 20 September - Last day of term 3 (2.30pm finish)
Monday 7 October - Student Free Day- Whole School Professional Practice Day (Team Kids will be open)
Tuesday 8 October - First day of Term 4!
Division Athletics
On Wednesday we had nine students from Carlton North travel to Epping Athletics track to compete in the Divisional Athletics Championships. They were Heidi in the high jump, Claude in the 1500m and 800m, Oscar in the long jump and hurdles, Alice in the long jump, and triple jump, Mischa in the discus and shot put, Louis A in the discus, Amelie in long jump and triple jump, Manny in the shotput and Kally in the shotput and the 200m. All of the students represented our school really well, and the effort was amazing. We had five students make it through to the regional championships on October 16; Louis, Mischa, Alice, Oscar and Amelie D.
Congratulations and we look forward to hearing some more amazing results from the next level. Thank you to the parents who helped with the carpool- Kris and Olivia. It was much appreciated.
PJ and Movie Day
It's fun coming to school in your pjamas!
3 Free Shelves!
Would you like them? If you answered yes to that question, they are yours!
Come and see Gaby at the office!
Lost Property
The lost property is chock a block! Please come and have a look. There is also quite a bit in the basket near the rack. I will take whatever is left to the op shop at the end of the term. (except items with names on them!) Thanks.