School Events/ Curriculum & Learning
Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school
School Events/ Curriculum & Learning
Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school
Welcome back to school everyone! I hope that you’ve had a great week and are all rested and ready to take on Term 4. This term our integrated curriculum topic is about chemistry, namely states of matter. We get to look at how substances can change and will be experimenting with temperature. We will be conducting fun experiments and reading instructions for making things like play dough and slime. We will engage in some persuasive writing about whether substances are liquids of solids (such as jelly). The numeracy focus this term will be on chance and data. This is a particularly fun topic, as we use lots of games to develop our understanding of chance. We also get to look at creative ways in which data can be represented using charts and graphs. It is going to be an exciting term!
This term is going to be lots of fun in the 2/3/4's. We will be learning about chemical sciences and how heat affects the changes to matter.
We will explore instructional texts. We will continue to learn about sentences and paragraphing and the writing process focusing on editing and publishing.
We will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes, location , direction, chance and continuing to building our problem solving skills particularly focusing on multiplication and division.
In digital technologies we will learn how to code a simple game and practice implementing our directional language.
In wellbeing, we will begin our term with Bullying No Way and learning how everybody belongs! We will continue with our sessions with the Respectful relationships program and also have a I can program for some students happening later in the term.
This term will be … busy!
Our curriculum focus is chemical science, including the behaviours and observable properties of states of matter, and how changes to matter can be reversible or irreversible. Our communication focus will be on explaining cause and effect.
In Literacy we’re starting with graphic novels, then exploring narratives. There will be one more round of Book Clubs using our ‘sketch to stretch’ discussion tool. Alongside creating our own graphic novels, our writing sessions will focus on punctuating sentences effectively to create dramatic narratives. Year 6s will also be creating their end of primary school reflection videos.
Our big idea in Maths is multiplicative thinking. We’ll be applying our (hopefully strong) recall of multiplication facts to solving simple and multistep multiplication and division problems. We’ll also be measuring volume and capacity, and spending Energy Week (week 2) collecting data as part of our Resource Smart School work.
In Wellbeing, for Bullying No Way, we’re looking at belonging and empathy, and challenging stereotypes. We’re also looking at e-safety and how to be safer online. In Respectful Relationships, the 5s and 6s are looking at gender and identity, then moving onto the challenging unit of gender-based violence. We also have Bron coming to run the Prep 4 Puberty program in November. Year 4s will be joining Tim for more Respectful Relationships work on problem solving and identity.
It’s a big term, especially for the year 6s as they anticipate the transition to secondary school. We expect some big feelings to bubble up, including silliness, joy, sadness and worry. Let us know if you have any concerns. We’re locking in the special celebration dates at the moment and will get them out to you in the next week or so.
Newham PS had a visit from our local CFA fire brigade, accompanied by Chris Wiseman (parent and FRV firefighter) and Mrs Smith (Lancefield Fire Brigade) to have a chat about all the great things that volunteers do in our community, and how to contact them in an emergency. We all got to have a look through the trucks and talked about the features and equipment. It was a fun and informative session.