Principal's Report

Student Achievement: 2024 VET in Schools Regional Cookery Competition
On Tuesday 17 September four of our VET Hospitality students ventured out to the Regional Cookery Competition held at St Monica’s College in Epping. Charlie Connolly (Year 10, Pakana House); Tegan Gibbs (Year 11, Skipper House); Scarlett Harrison (Year 11, Skipper House) and Alisha O’Donnell (Year 11, Toner House) took part in the rigorous task of having to prepare several dishes for judging.
The competition was intense, but our young people made a clean sweep of the prizes with Charlie taking out first prize, Scarlett second prize, Tegan third prize and Alisha coming fifth.
All students will be invited to a formal event in December to be awarded their medals. Charlie will represent our Region by attending the National competition in Brisbane in 2025.
Congratulations to all the students for an outstanding achievement.
A big thank you to Yasemin Ziada, for her ongoing support of our students and for her faith in their abilities.
A special thank you to Samia Townsend who supported our students on her day off.
Australian Volleyball Championships Team Vic 15 to 20 September 2024
The Australian Volleyball Championships are taking place in Bendigo during the week of the 15 - 20 September. Representing the Victorian u15 Team are Jack Beddoe (Year 8, Everard House) and James Beddoe (Year 8, Everard House).
Congratulations to both Jack and James for having been selected for the State Team and for their participation in the competition. We wish them well and look forward to hearing some fantastic results from the Victorian contingent.
Well done!
End of Term 3
The end of Term 3 is fast approaching. On Friday 20 September students and staff will be setting off for the Term 3 break. It is much needed. Looking around the school this last week we can see that both students and staff seem tired and a little lethargic, so clearly time for a break to relax, rest and recharge.
Looking back on the term, it is no wonder that people are feeling like they are. It has been a full on term for students with a range of events including formal assessments, career planning, course selections, drama and music performances, camps tours etc and for staff, in addition to the usual, a range of information nights, student course counselling, curriculum development and planning for 2025, staffing for 2025… just to name a few things.
I wish everyone a wonderful break and look forward to seeing everyone back on deck refreshed and recharged on Monday 7 October.
Our Year 12 students will be doing trial exams during the break. Whilst they will also need a bit of a breather, they will need to spend some time consolidating their learning before the final two weeks of their secondary schooling on their return in term 4. Any support families can provide for them will be greatly appreciated. I wish them well as they begin their journey toward their final assessments.
As is customary at the end of each term, on Friday 20 September, school will finish at 2:30pm.
I ask parents/carers to arrange safe travel home for all students if they are unable to go home via their normal route.
A big thank you to our community for your ongoing support of our school and young people throughout this term.
Student Safety at the Start and End of The School Day
I once again take the opportunity to remind parents/carers of the importance of obeying road rules all the time and especially in the vicinity of the school. I ask you all to be cautious around the children’s crossing and to always follow the guidance provided by the crossing supervisor.
It is important that you are constantly vigilant, watching for students whilst driving on Withers Way and Susan Street during peak times (8:30 – 9:00 and 3:00 – 3:30) and adhere to the speed limit.
I also remind you that the front of the administration building is a “No Standing” area during peak times; and you cannot queue there prior to pick-up. If you arrive early and your child is not standing at your pickup point you are required to drive through the circular drive and enter as many times as needed until your child is there for pick up.
If you have been fortunate to find a parking spot when entering the circular drive, we ask that you reverse park as this will reduce the risk of colliding with a student on their way out of the school as well as with other cars.
It would also be reasonable and sensible for you to reverse park in the parking bays at the front of the school as this will reduce the risk of you backing out onto oncoming traffic when you leave.
Signage already exists in front of the administration area about it being a “No Standing” zone between 8:00 - 10:00 am and 2:00 - 4:00 pm. We are looking at installing additional signage reminding parents/carers to reverse park.
Please be aware that if these measures do not improve safety for our students especially at peak times we will engage with local authorities (Victoria Police and/or Council) to discuss the possibility of increased enforcement of parking restrictions and/or road rules.
I look forward to your ongoing support with this matter.