Performing Arts News

Geelong Schools Music and Movement Festival


A huge thank you to all the families who came to support our Mano Melodies and State Schools Spectacular dancers at the Geelong Schools Music and Movement Festival on Monday the 16th of October. This was a huge opportunity for our students, and it was so great to see so many friendly faces at this event. The students were fantastic ambassadors for our school. The festival was hosted by Joel McInnes, from The Mik Maks. Well done to all our performers for the commitment involved to produce such a brilliant performance.


The State Schools Spectacular dancers dazzled and enthralled the audience with their performance of ‘Dance Like Yo’ Daddy’ and ‘All Around the World’.  The Manifold Heights P.S. Choir (Mano Melodies) was a huge hit, singing classic songs, ‘Rainbow’ and ‘My Favourite Things.’ Congratulations to all our talented vocalists and dancers for such beautiful performances at this year’s Geelong Schools Music and Movement Festival.


Mrs Orford & Mrs Grant