Education in Faith

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A


Living the Gospel – Compassion

Jesus’ words call us to love our neighbour as ourselves. 


We are called to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. To be able to do this, we need to picture ourselves in their place – experiencing all that they are experiencing; not imposing our own values and circumstances. 


To see ourselves in the place of another is the key to responding with compassion. The origin of the word ‘compassion’ means experiencing with. If we are able to truly ‘experience with’ another person perhaps then we can genuinely recognise and respond to their needs.



Gospel Focus – Love your neighbour as yourself

There is an implicit, or understood, commandment within the command to love your neighbour as yourself. That is, we must first love ourselves. Whilst to say someone ‘loves themself’ is used as a criticism of a person who is a bit too vain, that is not what is intended here. If we are to love others as we love ourselves we must first be content and happy with who we are. It is only when we are comfortable with who we are that we are able to reach out to those around us with compassion.


Discussion Questions

Why would Jesus’ answer have been challenging to the Pharisees?

How might loving God with all your heart, soul and mind affect the way you live your life?

In your local situation, who are the ‘neighbours’ not loved as we love ourselves?

What actions can you take to better love your neighbour as you love yourself?

How might bystanders have reacted to Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees?

How might loving God with all your heart, soul and mind affect the way you live your life?

What actions can you take to better recognise the importance of God in your life?

In your local situation, who are the ‘neighbours’ not loved as we love ourselves?

What actions can you take to better love your neighbour as you love yourself?

Important news from St. Kevin’s Parish

Catechism classes for children aged 5-10 years. The sisters from the Alliance of the Holy Family International will be conducting Catechism classes in St. Kevin’s School Hall on all the Sundays in October. The classes will be held from 12 noon – 1 pm (after the 11 am Mass). Please fill in the expression of interest sheets on the clipboard in the foyer. Parents will need to fill in enrolment forms for their children to take part in these sessions.

Sacramental News 2024

To assist us with the administration and preparation of Sacraments for 2024, we ask you to fill in the Operoo form below, to indicate if your child will be receiving a Sacrament next year in 2024.


Junior and Senior parents ACCEPT or DECLINE this invitation.  Dates for Sacraments will be published in our school newsletter.


Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 1, 2 and 3 or above.


Next year in 2024, children in:

  • Grade 2 and Grade 3 will receive Reconciliation.
  • Grade 3 and Grade 4 will receive Eucharist.
  • Grade 6 will receive Confirmation.

Reconciliation: baptized Catholics in Year 2 and 3.


Eucharist: baptized Catholics in Year 3 and 4 or above who have celebrated their Reconciliation.


Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.


If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.


Yours Sincerely,

God Bless


Rozeta Ambrose







House points for this term so far are:




6 041



5 346



5 180



4 228

Well done Patrick! Remember we have all of this term to go so one of the other houses may take the lead. You can get points for demonstrating our PBL Values especially Respect: Self Care, which is our focus at the moment.


Later this term we will also begin our Christmas Appeal and students will get points for the Christmas gifts and hamper items they bring in.



Our next big event is that Vinnies will have a market stall at our Twilight Market on Thursday November 9th. They will be doing nail polish, hair colour and temporary tattoos. And yes students will be able to wear them to school the next day!! I am asking Mini Vinnies to donate some time to help run the Market Stall on Thursday November 9th anytime between 4.30pm – 8.00pm. Then we will have some practise sessions applying nail polish and temporary tattoos.


Mini Vinnies have yet to decide where we will donate the money raised on the evening. We will let you know as soon as we have decided. Please come and support our stall.


Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies