Connect: Level 2

Weeks 7 and 8.

The Level 2's would love some extra boxes to use during our Investigations time. If you have any - please drop them off in the JLC! 

Level 2 Celebrations! 


It has been a wonderful couple of weeks in Level 2. Some of the highlights have included: Market Day, SEPS Idol, Science learning task, Wanyara incursion and many more! 


Our resident bug fanatics have had an exciting update - a moth has hatched inside our bug terrarium. How incredible it has been to see this lifecycle in action. 






The seedlings planted by our gardening gurus have also begun to sprout. This has brought lots of excitement each day - what will they look like tomorrow? 

What's happening in our classrooms? 



In the following weeks, our Year 2 students will embark on an exciting journey into the world of narrative writing, using the exciting story 'Miss Lilly's Fabulous Pink Feather Boa' by Margaret Wild & 'Tilly' by  Jane Goodwin as their inspiration. The students will explore the art of storytelling, learn about the key elements of narrative writing, and develop their skills in creating well-structured narratives. 


The year 2's are continuing to work on writing well-structured sentences & paragraphs, using correct punctuation and strong sentence starters that engage their reader. We will continue to work on our editing and proofreading skills and work with our peers to get feedback on our writing before we publish our final pieces. 


We can't wait to see the growth and creativity that will come to life in their writing.






This fortnight, we will be diving into the world of fractions! Students will be consolidating their knowledge of 1/2's, 1/4's & 1/8's. 


Students will be engaging in hands-on activities that aim to support their current understanding of fraction concepts. Sessions will focus on open-ended questions that connect to students' lives and the real world. These challenges will be differentiated so all students have an entry point into the learning with an opportunity to achieve success.




This fortnight, we will be focusing on the following phonemes: 


We are learning to use /ee/ as in feet in the middle of a word. 


For example: 

cheek, teeth, seed, meet. 









We are learning to use 'or' as in corn in the following ways: 

  1. /or/ as in corn in the middle of a word.
    For example: 
    fort, chord, lord, sword. 
  2. 'or' making an /er/ sound at the end of a longer word after the letter t. 
    For example: 
    doctor, tractor, factor, actor.

We are also continuing to practise our 'learned words'. These are words where all parts cannot be sounded out so we need to learn them by heart. Have a go at practising some of these at home! Ask your child to identify which parts of the word they need to learn by heart.