Principal's Report 

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear Parents & Carers, 


This week marks the halfway mark to the end of the term and my 6th week at SEPS. It definitely feels like home now. Meanie the turtle and I have bonded. She has been relocated to the staffroom as she won't fit in my new little office but she is now getting a lot of attention from the staff, which she loves. Many of you have found us in our new location in the library. Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with our move. The Admin Team have worked wonders getting the new space organised so quickly. We lost our server, phone systems, photocopiers, and internet on day one but they remained calm and kept smiling throughout it all, which is a credit to this amazing team.  


Please note that you can access the office from the front driveway if need be, or from the rear entry near the gym. The relocation of the school office entry brings concerns for pedestrian safety so if you are still using the Drop & Go zone, please enter and exit with extra caution. The Drop & Go zone appears to be operating quite well however we will have to review this once the site fencing goes up for the new building works.


A huge congratulations to our champions in the boys’ softball team and their coach Mrs Perdriau.  They had an outstanding day at the finals and have been excellent ambassadors for our school with their fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork. I know Mrs Perdriau is extremely proud of them. In her words, they were ‘perfection’.  I would like to thank her for all the extra time and work that has gone into preparing the team for their games. We wish them all the best as they head off to the State Finals on Monday 27 November. 


Thank you to those parents who have contacted me with any concerns regarding their child’s placement for 2024. A reminder that today, FRIDAY 10th NOVEMBER is the last opportunity to make any requests. Students are currently finalising their friendship lists with their teacher so that we can begin the class creator process next week. As advised in the previous newsletter, once classes for 2024 are finalised it will not be possible to make changes. 


We were very excited to have Dr Misty Adoniou, Associate Professor from the University of Canberra, here at SEPS today to continue her work with our teachers. Some of our students were fortunate enough to have her working with them in their classrooms. Misty is a very highly regarded consultant, researcher and presenter in Literacy and to have someone of her calibre working with us in our school an absolute honour. Please look out for some exciting updates in your CONNECT. 


Wishing you all a wonderful fortnight ahead!

Kind Regards, 

Jane Briffa