Connect: Level 5

Jacqueline Perdriau, Kate Littlehales, Zarah Scott, Jana Hain, Eileen Thompson

Snapshots of the fortnight past 

Level 5 and 1 working together on a gratitude scavenger hunt
Level 4 and 5 Community Police Visit
Level 5 and 1 working together on a gratitude scavenger hunt
Level 4 and 5 Community Police Visit

Week 7 and 8

Important Dates 

Week 7 

Fri 17th Nov - Level 5 sport try outs for 2024 interschool summer sports. 

Week 8 

Fri 24 NovWhole L5 cohort meet your 2024 Prep Buddy session 9:30-10:30am 

Please consent and pay for Level 5 Beach Swimming via COMPASS due Monday 13th November. This program will be later in the term. 

What is happening in our classrooms? 


Over the next two weeks, the students will be exploring the text "Black Cockatoo" by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler. It is a powerful coming-of-age novel set in the Australian outback. The story revolves around Mia, a young Aboriginal girl, who is navigating the challenges of growing up in a world that often feels alien to her cultural roots. The narrative is divided into two perspectives: Mia's and John's, her brother.  Students will notice features of various texts and explain their purpose and structure, as well as make connections.  



To further develop students' financial literacy from the past weeks, students will explore how to reconcile a bank account with deposits, withdrawals, and a running balance and will investigate real-life situations that require calculating with percentages.  A handy one to practice this at home is to have your child make budgets for the weekly shop. Students will then move into revising patterns with fractions, decimals and whole numbers resulting from addition and subtraction. In applied maths, students will investigate different types of angles as well as various triangles and quadrilaterals while creating their very own mini golf course. 


Inquiry- Oz Harvest 

This fortnight students will be making banana pikelets and crunchy noodle salad. They will begin creating their plan for their own recipes. These will be developing a Level 5 FEAST Oz Harvest cookbook. Thank you to those parents and carers who have already kindly volunteered their time to help out. At home, students are encouraged to explore cookbooks, discuss family recipes and showcase new kitchen skills- who knows, they may even make the family a meal! 

5C preparing in the kitchen with Mr Marco
5C preparing in the kitchen with Mr Marco
Enjoying the fruits of their labour
Enjoying the fruits of their labour










This fortnight we move into Topic 6: Help Seeking of the Respectful Relationships program. Did you know evidence tells us that; 

  • Children can experience all kinds of challenges as they grow and develop. ​
  • The help-seeking behaviours of children are fundamental to their mental health and wellbeing.  ​ 
  • Encouraging and fostering help-seeking behaviours is one way to improve mental health and wellbeing.​
  • It is important to work with students to make sure they are aware about help-seeking avenues and confident to seek help from an appropriate source when needed.​


How time is flying!  Only a few weeks left of  Term 4. 

Have a wonderful fortnight everyone!

The Level Five Team ~ Jacqui, Kate, Zarah, Jana & Eileen