Pastoral Bulletin

 Week 5 of Term 4, 2023 

General School News

  • Well done to all students who represented the College at the Bentley Park 7s on Friday. We won both the soccer and netball competitions, congratulations to all who were involved!
  • Tuesday, 31 October, will be Odd Sock Day to raise money for the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Students are required to wear their HOUSE UNIFORM with odd socks and make a gold coin donation. There will be a house competition held in P2. Thank you to those who have donated pantry items; we have filled 9 out of 146 hampers. Please add that extra pantry item to your shopping list!
  • Families are reminded the car park across the road (bakery/hairdresser/laundromat) is for patrons of those businesses only. Please do not use this as a pick-up zone.
  • A reminder that if students need to leave the College early, parents/guardians must notify the school and then personally collect their child from the front office. In order to fulfill our duty of care obligations, we cannot allow students to be collected from the drop-off zone during school hours. If this presents difficulties for your family, please contact a member of the College Leadership Team.
  • We are now officially halfway through the term! Please continue with the solid study habits and high personal standards that are the hallmarks of all our students.








Leah McBryde 

Assistant Principal, Junior Years (7 - 9) |


Justin Brennan 

Acting Assistant Principal, Senior Years (10 -12) |

Year 7

  • Welcome to Week 5!
  • This week, a parent slip will be sent out via email to inform parents and students about the end-of-year Pastoral Day. This event is scheduled to take place at Holloways Beach on Friday, November 24, in Week 8. It promises to be one of the highlights of Year 7 in recognition of their achievements and hard work this year.
  • Thank you to those who have already generously donated to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Just a reminder that each donated item earns points for your house in the inter-house competition this term.
  • This week, students also have the opportunity to earn points for their house by participating in a scavenger hunt. The Year 11 mentors will provide more information on this when they visit each PG group.


Christina Borzi

Head of Year 7 

Year 8

  • Welcome to Week 5!
  • Please be reminded that the library is a designated area for students to complete schoolwork and engage in quiet study. It is not to be used, under any circumstances, for gaming at any time during the day. Students who do not adhere to the college's policy will be asked to leave the library and may face a ban from using it.
  • The sports uniform should only be worn on Wednesdays during allocated sports lessons. If, for any reason, this is not possible, a signed note must be provided for that day.


Andy Winter

Head of Year 8

Year 9

  • Welcome to Week 5! 
  • Well done to all students this week for successfully managing interviews (VPG and/or Junior Prefect) and their workload, ensuring they are ready, on time, and presentable.
  • A reminder to parents and carers to provide a note for students if they are in the incorrect uniform. This can be as simple as sending an email to the Pastoral Mentor, a note in the student's diary, or writing it on a piece of paper.
  • Assessment time is quickly approaching. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's learning, please contact the classroom teacher for support. Additionally, if students need an extension on an assessment, please contact the teacher and the Head of Department. 


Saripha Curro

Head of Year 9 

Year 10 

  • Welcome to Week 5! 
  • Year 11 Mentor interviews have been completed.  The successful applicants will be announced in the coming weeks.  Congratulations to all the students who took part.
  • Keep bringing in the items of food for the Vinnie’s Christmas Appeal.10.8 is showing the way at this stage.
  • Please be proactive with your communication to PG Mentors regarding any issues with uniform. It shows courtesy and initiative to see that students have initiated the conversation.


John Cahill

Head of Year 10 

Year 11

  • Welcome to Week 5!
  • What a magnificent day we had at the Reef! Thank you all for coming, showing great community spirit and creating wonderful memories! Welcome to the start of Year 12!
  • Jerseys will be ordered by the end of the week; students have been trying on samples. Please check your email for the information parent slip; payments will be taken at the uniform shop.
  • Our 2024 House Leaders will be leading the House assembly on Tuesday, raising money for St Vincent De Paul through activities. I thank the cohort in advance for their support.
  • Please take a moment to discuss grooming and uniform expectations with your students. We are nearing the end of the year but our expectations remain the same; As Senior leaders, we expect all students to be clean shaven, with neat hair style and appropriate amount of jewellery. We thank you for your support in this matter.
  • Finally, could all students with overdue textbooks (units 1 & 2) return them to the library so that new ones (units 3 & 4) can be issued, thank you.


Sophie McQueen

Head of Year 11 

Year 12

  • Welcome to Week 5!
  • Exams continue this week - best of luck to all students! 
  • Year 12 students are required to meet at the HOB on Tuesday Week 7
    14 November, from 1100am - 1:00pm, in sports uniform. 
  • Graduation Mass - Students need to arrive by 8:30am in PGs in G6, G7, and G8 in full formal school uniform.


Lucy Fitzpatrick

Head of Year 12