Around the Senior School

Locker Transition

On Thursday 19 October, Year 7 students transitioned from their Year 7 locker into their House area. This tradition is a special rite of passage and a wonderful celebration organised by the new prefects and captains of each House. It is a time that marks the end for our outgoing Year 12 students as Year 7 take up residency in the House locker area. It also signifies Year 7 coming close to the end of their first year in high school – a momentous achievement! 

Learning Enhancement Team 

Student of the Week

Every week, the LE Team put their heads together and vote on a Student of the Week. The student is chosen based on observations made by the LE Team, within the week.

This week, the title goes to Fergus Attenborough (Year 9) for his overall improved attitude to his classwork in English! Well done, Fergus. 


Study Hub in Term 4

In the lead up to Year 7-10 exam weeks, Head of the Science Mrs Catherine Litchfield has offered to help students prepare for their Science end of year exam. Please see below the sessions she will be there and who she will be tailoring for revision sessions for. It’s been great to see the Year 10 students take up this offer in weeks 1 and 2. 




Year group

3 – Monday

23rd October


4 – Monday

30th October


5 – Monday

6th November


6 – Monday

13th November



Similarly, Helen Vere, Maths Teacher has and will continue to offer her time on a Thursday if students require support for Maths. 

Year 9 Commerce Entrepreneurs of the Year

As reported in the Week 7 Bulletin, Year 9 Commerce have run multiple markets and selling days during Term 2 and 3, including at Careers Night and the Junior School, all part of their ‘Running a business/Promoting & Selling’ unit of work.


These markets were in addition to developing professionally produced business plans, after consulting with local businesses including Spilt Milk, Reds: Choose Colour and ex-student Ayah Mackenzie from Fosset the Label. Collectively, the students and their businesses raised $2,185.17 for a range of charities including the Black Dog Institute, Royal Flying Doctor Service and the Salvation Army, to name a few. Well done to all Commerce students for contributing to this effort.


The winners of the “Entrepreneurs of the Year” award goes to Chaos Confectionary, which included Brody Steele, Freya Stacpoole, Polly Adams and Caitlin Milne. This team of students raised $270 for Dolly’s Dream and got 96% in their group business plan assessment, demonstrating excellent knowledge, application of concepts and teamwork. Well done guys. Below is some reflections of these students on their key learnings from the task:

“I have learnt to ask for help if I need, and to listen to what others have to say. I have also learnt just how hard it is to run a business. I know that our business was on a very small scale, but if this was in the real world, it would be a lot more stressful, and many more considerations would have to be considered.” Brody 


“I learnt how costly even little items can be and how important budgeting is, especially when you are trying to make a large profit over a short period of time. For the most part, I felt as though this business was beneficial for my understanding of the challenges of running a small business.” Freya


“In these new times where everything is digital it is very important to have the option of card (EFTPOS), because most people don’t carry cash anymore. It is also important to talk to customers and make connections. That way you can create a relationship which will make them come back or they will tell others about your products and friendly nature.” Caitlin


“The experience of Chaos Confectionary has made me very aware of the hard work involved and the many factors involved with the running of a business.” Polly


Well done to all students and the Social Science Faculty is looking forward to seeing what innovations next year’s Commerce students will bring.


Ben Ronald

Social Sciences | Head Mentor Brown House