From the Head of the Senior School

Mr Trent Chapman 

Friday 27 October marks World Teachers Day, where we take a moment to express our gratitude and appreciation for the dedicated educators who make our school a special place of learning and growth.  


Our teachers work tirelessly to inspire, educate, and nurture the young minds entrusted to their care. Their commitment to our students is truly commendable, and on this special occasion, we extend our heartfelt thanks to teachers everywhere for their unwavering dedication. 


I also wish to acknowledge the support of our Parents' and Friends' Association, who have once again demonstrated their commitment to the wellbeing of our staff. Your generous gesture of providing coffee for our hardworking teachers and staff members is a testament to our strong community. Thank you. 

Celebrating NAIDOC Week 

This week, we proudly commemorate the history, culture, and achievements of Australia's First Nations people, recognising the importance of reconciliation, respect, and unity.


We extend our congratulations to our Indigenous students for their active participation in NAIDOC Week activities. Their involvement in our NAIDOC Assembly and NAIROC Eisteddfod highlights their dedication to sharing and preserving their unique traditions and stories. These events have allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of Indigenous culture and foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity within our school. 



End of Year Exams for Years 7 - 10 

In the coming weeks, students will be given study tips, revision materials and practice exam papers for their various subjects via the Hub. Now is the time for students to begin revision and preparation. I encourage all students to commit to finishing the year well, both in and out of the classroom, and giving their best effort in the yearly exams. 

Study Tips

Organize Your Time: Use a planner or digital calendar to track assignments, tests, and important dates. Setting aside specific times for studying can help you stay on track. 

Active Learning: Don’t just read; interact with your material. Highlight key points, summarize information in your own words, and discuss topics with classmates. 

Break It Down: Split your study sessions into short, focused periods with breaks in between. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves studying for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break, is a popular method. 

Create a Productive Environment: Find a quiet place with minimal distractions. Keep your workspace tidy and gather all materials before starting. 

Quiz Yourself: Regularly test your understanding. Flashcards, online quizzes, or just covering up your notes and trying to recall information can be effective. 

Stay Active: Physical activity can boost memory and concentration.  

Ask for Help: If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to ask teachers, peers, or even look for resources online. 

Also, don’t forget we run a Study Hub Monday – Thursday, 3:30pm – 5:00pm in the Bennett Building. All students are welcome. 


Examination Dates: 

Wed 15 Nov – Thur 16 Nov Year 7 Yearly Exams 

Fri 24 Nov – Mon 27 Nov Year 8 Yearly Exams 

Thur 9 Nov – Tue 14 Nov Year 9 Yearly Exams 

Fri 17 Nov – Wed 22 Nov Year 10 Yearly Exams