
Australian National Field Days

Kinross Wolaroi School will be attending the 2023 Australian National Field Days on Thursday 26 - Saturday 28 October in Borenore. This will be a great opportunity to talk with our Senior Management Team and Admissions staff to learn more about our School and the wonderful opportunities we offer our students. We hope to see you there!


Spring Soiree 2023

The Principal warmly invites future and current parents to join us to celebrate the end of the 2023 School Year at our annual Spring Soiree.


When | 6pm – 10pm Friday 24 November

Where | Ross Hill Winery, 134 Wallace Lane, Orange 

Cost | $70 per person includes a 4-hour drinks package, substantial-sized canapes, pizzas and live music. 

A bus transfer of $10 will also be available. 

Forward journey - Pick up location | Lords Place next to the Civic Theatre Carpark

Departs | 5:45pm

Drop off | Ross Hill Wines

Return journey -Pick up | Ross Hill Wines

Departs | 10:00pm & 10:10pm

Drop off | Lords Place next to the Civic Theatre Carpark

RSVP | 13 November



Year 6 Parent Farewell

The P&F would like to invite all Year 6 Parents to join them on Friday 17 November for some farewell drinks and pizzas. The drinks will be held at the Parkview Hotel, Orange from 5:30pm.


Location | Parkview Hotel, 281 Summer Street, Orange New South Wales 2800

Cost | Free - Parents will purchase their own drinks from the bar 

Date | 17 November 5:30-8:00pm

RSVP will close on Monday 13 November. 

If you require further assistance, please feel free to contact the P&F at


We hope to see you there!