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The University of Newcastle is conducting research to develop a well-being program to improve teenage girls' physical and mental health, as well as support fathers to nurture their bond with their daughters. They have developed a short survey for high school aged girls to complete and another one forfather/father figures of high school aged girls. The surveys ask questions about well-being, sport, physical activity and family relationships and have been approved by the University of Newcastle Human Research Ethics Committee.
Dads of high-school aged girls have your say in developing a program that aims to enhance the father-daughter connection & wellbeing of your teenage daughter.
Complete a 10-minute online survey -
Chance to win one of 6 x $50 gift vouchers!
Parents of high school aged girls, we need you! Register your daughter to complete a survey to help us develop a program to support teenage girls’ wellbeing, physical and mental health
Your daughter will go in the draw to win one of 6 x $50 gift vouchers!