College Communications

Monday 6 November
Curriculum Day (no classes)
Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 8 - Tuesday 14 November
Year 10 & Year 11 Exam period
Wednesday 8 November
MyFitness Bounce excursion
MyCity Livability excursion
Thursday 9 November
Sports Awards Presentation Night, 4.30pm @ the Performance Centre
Friday 10 November
Remembrance Day service at DSC, 11:15am
Tuesday 14 November
Year 7 2024 Pre-Orientation Day, 9am - 12.15pm
Year 7 2024 Learning Partnership webinar, 7.30pm
DSC Art Show, from 5pm in Tunnel Vision
Wednesday 15 November
Professional Development Day - remote learning for students
Thursday 16 November
Year 12 Celebration Day
Friday 17 November
Year 12 Valedictory, midday
VSMF Soundworks
Victorian Coding competition, selected Year 8 students
Thurs 16 - Friday 17 November
Year 7 - 9 PAT
Monday 20 November - Friday 1 December
Year 11 & Year 12 2024 Headstart Program
Tuesday 21 November
Year 9 English exam
Wednesday 22 November
MyFuture Box Hill Institute tour
MySteam Melbourne Uni excursion
Year 7 2024 Open Afternoon & Music Tryouts, 4pm
Friday 24 November
Year 9 Maths exam, period 3
Saturday 25 November
Nepal Camp departs
Wednesday 29 November - Friday 1 December
Year 9 Wilson's Prom Camp
Wednesday 29 November
Year 10 Awards ceremony, period 1
Senior School Presentations, 2pm
Friday 1 December
Last day for Year 10 & 11 students
Monday 4 - Friday 15 December
Year 10 2024 Headstart Program
Wednesday 6 December
Junior School Presentations, 6:30pm
Friday 15 December
Middle School Presentations, 1-2pm
Wednesday 20 December
Last day of Term 4
The Annual DSC Art Show
Hello parents, guardians and staff of Doncaster Secondary College!
On the 14th of November, we will be running our annual Arts, Tech and Media show. This showcases the best work from our senior students in Media, Visual Communications, Systems Engineering, and Art.
At 5pm to 6pm there will be an exhibition in Tunnel Vision (near the Library and food tech rooms). After this, from 6pm to 7pm, there will be a Media film presentation in the Performance Centre.
For the Media show, there are some spooky moments and young adult themes that may not be suitable for young children.
See you there!
Gabriel Hensby-Robinson
Year 7 Coordinator and Media Teacher
Student Leadership Opportunity
The Student Representative Council is seeking new members for 2024. If being part of a vibrant team that is passionate about making school a better place interests you, we encourage you to consider the SRC in 2024.
To apply, please complete the following form:
Applications are due Friday 10th November and can be handed to Mr Tennent via the Senior School or MS Teams.
Jonathan Tennent
Year 12 Positive Climate for Learning Leader & SRC Coordinator
Important! Please follow the rules when crossing Church Road
We would like to remind all students, parents and community members about the utmost importance of using the designated school crossing on Church Rd. Ensuring the safety of our students is our top priority. Here are some key rules to remember:
- Always use the school crossing when crossing Church Rd. It is there for your safety and our trained crossing guards are there to assist you during peak times
- Obey traffic signals when crossing Church Rd, Doncaster Rd and George St. Please obey the pedestrian traffic signal and walk signal before proceeding.
- Look both ways for oncoming traffic before stepping onto the road, even if the walk signal is in your favour.
- Set an example. Parents and students, please set a positive example for each other by following the rules diligently.
By adhering to these rules, we can create a safer environment for everyone in our school community.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Elisha Sadikay.
Remembrance Day badge & poppy sales
Every year at 11am on 11 November—the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month—we pause to remember those who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations.
Remembrance Day is Saturday 11th November. You can help raise money for the Doncaster RSL by purchasing a badge, poppy or pen from our College front office. Members of our Student Representative Council will also be in the College Quadrangle at lunchtime on the following dates.
- Friday 3rd November
- Tuesday 9th November
- Friday 10th November
Please bring along some coins (cash only) and support them so that they can assist returned service men and women.
A College Remembrance Day service, run by the Junior SRC, will be held on Friday 10th November at 11.15am and will be livestreamed to the College community.
A special thank you to Keith Wolahan’s electoral office for providing the College with new flags in time for our Remembrance Day service.
The Doncaster RSL will be presenting several Remembrance Day events, beginning with their Remembrance Day service from 10:30am on Saturday 11th November.
It's in the Bag
A big thank you to all the families and staff who have contributed generously to our Year 11 VM students' donation drive - It's in the Bag. Together, they want to combat food insecurity in our community by sharing resources. Donations will be collected once per week until Friday 10th November.
Just a reminder of what items they are looking for:
Things to include in an adult bag:
Non perishable food items such as:
- Long Life milk
- Pasta
- Breakfast cereal
- 2 minute noodles
- Baked beans
- Canned spaghetti
- Canned soup
- Canned veg
- Canned fruit
- Crackers
- Sweet biscuits
- School snacks
- Tea bags
- Instant coffee
- Muesli bars
What to include in a teen bag:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Deodorant (roll on)
- Body wash
- Sanitary essentials
- Add a yellow ribbon to this bag
What to include in a mum and bub bag
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Deodorant (roll on)
- Newborn nappies
- Disposable nappy bag
- Dummies
- Breast pads
- Nappy rash cream
- Baby wipes
- Baby body wash
- Sanitary essentials
Donations can be dropped at the General Admin desk or at each sub-school.
Thank you for your support!
Cornucopia 2024 has arrived!
If you have paid for your copy of the Cornucopia Yearbook, head on down to the Library to grab your order. If you haven't paid, you still can grab a copy by paying on Compass first.
SLC Feedback for 2024
If you would like to provide feedback on the timing of Student Led Conferences for 2024, as well as the format of them, please complete the following (very short) survey:
International Student Program Homestay Survey
Homestay students are invited to complete a short from the Department of Education by Friday 3 November. The survey takes about five minutes to complete and can be accessed at:
DSC Interest Clubs for Term 4
Day | Club |
Monday | Breakfast Club 8am (W-Block or Hub), KPop Club (room C13), Feminist Collective, Year 11 Hoops in DPH |
Tuesday | NEW!: History Club (L2), Art Club (B3), Lego Club (C13), Year 12 Hoops, Zumba class (3.30 - 4.15pm) in DP1 |
Wednesday | Crafternoon (C13), Year 8 Hoops in DPH |
Thursday | Enviro Club (B3), Year 9/10 Hoops, Junior Slime Club (C13), Homework Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) in A Block, International Students Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) in the IS Hub |
Friday | Breakfast Club (Library, 8am), Rainbow Collective, LGBTQIA (C5), Games Club (W block upper), Movie Club (DPH), Badminton Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) in the Stadium |
Positive Partnerships Workshop