Health and well being

Joanne Webb - Student and Family Wellbeing Officer

Just a short piece this time round, as the Year 12s finish school at

 St John’s


After the flurry of end of school celebrations, for some, the nervous excitement as exams begin, and then more occasions marking the end of secondary school and entry into the adult world, young people and family could start to feel just a little flat and anxious as to what comes next. For some young people and families, the journey to completing secondary school has been extremely challenging, and at times would seem impossible. For others not so. But now it is nearly over and you are entering into the next phase of life.


Please take the time to stop and feel the achievement of completion, be proud of yourselves, and always grateful for those who have supported you over many years. 


Try to do what makes you truly happy; find what you are passionate about and go for it. 


From the Wellbeing School Counsellors:  Well done and all the best to students and families of the 2023 Year 12s.