Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Emily - 6B for demonstrating hard work and commitment while developing her roles, responsibilities and skills in P.E. Awesome Work Emily!

Performing Arts - Aiden 3B for displaying resilience and integrity in his dance rehearsals. He has been patient with learning movements while displaying fantastic energy and effort. Keep up the brilliant work, Aiden!

Chinese - Allen 1/2A for displaying our school values of Respect and Integrity. She always treats others with kindness and strives to do her best. Well done, Allen!


LLI - Ashleigh 1/2B has been nominated for displaying the school value of collaboration. She shares resources and works cooperatively with the other students in her L.L.I. Reading Group.  Thank-you and well done, Ashleigh.  


6B - Saron for always striving to achieve her best in all areas of her learning.  Completing her tasks to a high standard and taking on feedback to enhance her knowledge.  Fantastic achievements, Saron Keep it up!


5A - Yayha for showing resilience by bouncing back after a challenge. He displayed a positive growth mindset, by making small changes to move forward. Well done Yayha for showing determination and maturity!

5B - Srihaas for leading by example at all times. Srihaas has been very responsible and reliable over the past two weeks, showing great maturity and reliability. Congratulations Srihaas on your excellent behaviour!


4A - Naiomie for showing great resilience when working in her reading small group. It’s awesome to see you taking on teacher feedback and trying your best to answer questions by finding clues in the text! Nice work, Naiomie!

4B - Tha Tha for consistently taking pride in her work, and having great resilience. It has been great seeing you want to do better, improve your learning and be willing to give things a go, even when they are challenging. Keep up the great work Tha Tha! 

4C - Fatima for demonstrating integrity and resilience in Maths. She always tried her best, actively sought feedback and support to improve her work. Fantastic work, Fatima!


3A - Aleksandra  for showing integrity and collaboration. Aleksandra, you have been voted by your peers for being so helpful and kind to your peers. Well done Aleks, keep up the good work!

        Ethan for showing determination and resilience with maths problems this week. I am very proud of the way you are trying, and showing resilience when you make mistakes. Keep up the good work Ethan!

3B - Shona for leading by example by following our school matrix. Her peers appreciate her active  listening and the way she always includes others.

3C - Bill - for showing great pride in his work this term. He has taken great care with his handwriting and overall presentation of his work books. Keep up the excellent work Bill!



1/2BTatum for showing great pride and resilience in his writing and maths work. He stayed focus, worked hand and took great care completing all learning tasks. Well done Tatum!

1/2E - Annie for demonstrating integrity. In Writing, she has listened, watched, shared, and learnt to improve her persuasive text. Annie has written clear arguments and included reasons. Great work Annie!


FB - Fibi for consistently modelling all of the school values. Amazing work! 


Highlighted Students


Lower Primary: 

1/2E - Annie for demonstrating integrity. In Writing, she has listened, watched, shared, and learnt to improve her persuasive text. Annie has written clear arguments and included reasons. Great work Annie!


Upper Primary: 

4A - Naiomie for showing great resilience when working in her reading small group. It’s awesome to see you taking on teacher feedback and trying your best to answer questions by finding clues in the text! Nice work, Naiomie!