Congratulations to...
Charlotte Bett (11 Aherne)
Charlotte Bett has been announced as a Finalist in the 2023 Country to Canberra Leadership Competition and is ranked in the Australian top 40. There were five finalists from Victoria.
Charlotte's submission was in response to the statement: Strong communities, stronger futures: How do diverse young leaders strengthen rural communities? Charlotte's response is published on the Country to Canberra website.
Congratulations, Charlotte, on this amazing achievement!
Dragon City Volleyball 2023 Division 3 Women's Champions
Congratulations to Mylia Gu (10 Millward), Ariya Marwood (8 Millward), Ellianna Langan (9 Frew), Shelby Dolman (10 Jenkin) and Alodie Thomson (9 Aherne) on competing in the recent Dragon City Volleyball competition and successfully taking out the title of Division 3 Women's Champions.
Well done!
If you would like to have a student achievement recognised, please email