Connect: Foundation

Key Dates

  • Tuesday 28th November-Sausage Sizzle Lunch
  • Friday 1st December- Curriculum day (student free)
  • Wednesday 6th December- Community Picnic 5:00-6:30pm
  • Wednesday 13th December- Reports published
  • Friday 15th December- Last assembly
  • Wednesday 20th December- Last day of Term 2, 1:30pm Dismissal

Our learning:


Reading and Writing

This term we have learnt the diagraphs ph, wh, ai, ay, ee, ea , igh, ie, _y and we will be learning oa and ing. Students will be reading and writing words such as oats, coat, goat, float, melting, shopping, jumping and selling. Students will be reading and writing sentences such as, ‘The green boat floats on the bay.’ ‘We went skipping down the road to the zoo.’ We will be discussing the characters featured in the text and writing about them. One of our texts is titled Town Mouse and Country Mouse. The heart words we have learnt so far are ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘of ‘, ‘off’, ‘were’, ‘you’, ‘why’ and we will be learning the word ‘came’.


Here is a link to our Phonics song:



Students will be exploring concepts in Ordinal Numbers and Money. Children will be identifying objects in their order and practice saying first, second, third, fourth, fifth etc. A fun way to learn about money is to create a ‘shop’. Students will have the opportunity to buy things in their classrooms and possibly be a shopkeeper. We will also have a focus on skip counting by fives and tens and adding the gold coins.


Children learn important maths concepts through play. Here is a link to a Maths game you could play at home:

Game title: Blackhole



During our ‘Sustainable World’ unit, students will be learning about important places in our environment and how we can care for these places. We will continue to monitor our growing vegetables and record the changes we observe. Students will learn when fruit and vegetables grow and students will discuss the different types of rubbish we have.



During Wellbeing we will be discussing who could help us when we require assistance. We will identify staff members in our school community who may assist us and discuss how we could approach them. We will be playing games that involve cooperation and team work.



Hats are required for Term 4

Students can log into Reading Eggs and Mathletics at home. Login details are pasted at the back of the Boomerang book. These are great resource for children to practice phonics and explore maths. 

We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.