
Term 4 Week 8


Students have been super busy in STEAM this term.

Grade Prep have been looking at sustainability, planting seeds and repurposing boxes that would otherwise be thrown out.

Grade 1 have become programmers to input the correct code to move a Beebot to show the sequence of different stories.

Grade 2  and 2/3 have become Scratch jnr experts. some video examples of this weeks learning have been uploaded to this newsletter.

Grade 3 are busy creating Tower Cranes to lift a rock up onto a wall.

Grade 4 are still busy creating their Trebuchets... counterweight catapults to fling their rock over a wall and land on a target.

Grade 5 and 4/5 are becoming skilled film makers, creating backgrounds and characters to make a stop motion video from their storyboards.

Grade 6 are finalising the solar ovens and are looking forward to see what they can cook in them.

Rainy day so let's make bug mazes!
Rainy day so let's make bug mazes!




Down in the Music room we are having fun exploring beats and synchronisation using cups to create 'Cup Songs'. Children used communication, team work , patience and resilience to create their songs and listened to each other's ideas. (A snapshot will be uploaded on the Skye PS Socials)


5/6 students have begun exploring 'Chrome Music Lab' to make melodies. Chrome Music Lab is a free website that can be accessed on iPads and computers. They've explored with a partner and copied songs while trying to guess them and remix them.

Have fun exploring: https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/