Connect: Year 5

Important Dates:                               

  • Every Thursday:                        Library sessions- no more borrowing for this year 
  • Tuesday 28th November:       Sausage sizzle day
  • Friday 1st December:              Curriculum Day (Pupil free)
  • Wednesday 6th December:    Christmas Concert
  • Thursday 14th December:      Year 5 Pool Day


Please remember to return your child's Year 5 Pool Day note ASAP. If you have any questions regarding the day please contact your child’s teacher or Mr J. 


To all the Year 5 students that completed a Leadership speech this week! We were blown away with how well they went. Next weeks interviews will be conducted with Mr Bernau, Ms Weissenburger and the current Year 6 Leaders. Leadership positions will be announced at an upcoming assembly towards the end of the term. Good luck to all those that applied!

What's happening in our classrooms?


This week in Literacy we began reading the Mentor Text "Black Cockatoo" by Carl Merrison and Hakea Hustler. Black Cockatoo is a vignette that follows Mia, a young Aboriginal girl as she explores the fragile connections of family and culture. Students began using the "What's on your mind" tool to develop a deeper understanding of the text. We looked at the language used in the text and began identifying elements of Aboriginal culture. During Writing sessions, we consolidated our learning on Narrative texts. Students developed characters using figurative and descriptive language, created sizzling story starts and began using the rule of 3 to make our stories more interesting.




During Maths sessions in the past week, we revised effective strategies to solve Addition and Subtraction problems including the compensation strategy, split strategy and using the vertical algorithm. Over the next few weeks students will revisit using a variety of strategies to solve Multiplication and Division problems including the area model and the lattice method. Students were encouraged to solve problem solving tasks, explain their thinking and show their working out. 

Compensation strategy
Compensation strategy



In Inquiry sessions students were eager to begin making Paper Mache volcanoes! They worked in small groups to create and design their own volcanoes, while making a lot of mess and having fun in the process. Students began painting them and are excited to conduct our volcano experiments next week. 




The year 5's enjoyed some time together playing outdoor games and developing social skills! As the 5s are about to enter their final test of schooling, the Year 5 Cohort has been discussing Leadership and what it looks like to be a school leader and role model . 5A and 4/5C practiced utilising these skills while working with some of the prep grades the past 2 weeks.

Celebration of Learning:

Prep Activities:

5A and Prep C have been spending some time together and completing some fun craft activities. Here are some pics of us making penguins together!



Maths in Action:

Check out 4/5C using the area model and completing a Maths extension task.


Have a wonderful week,

Year 5 Team