Connect: Year 2

Check out what's been happening in 2A, 2B and 2/3C

Throughout this fortnight of learning students have been developing their Multiplicative Thinking skills through the exploration of division and how this connects with multiplication and fractions. They have explored the text 'The Great Divide' and recreated the division depicted in the text by halving and dividing by 2's. Students had a refresh and explored some narrative and poetry writing where they used a prompt to brainstorm and developed their ideas using a story mountain to support them in writing their pieces. They have also explored their triggers in social situations through the Zones of Regulation- students engaged in conversations with their peers around what triggers them into different zones. 


Key dates 

Transition Session #1Wednesday 29th November
Transition Session #2Thursday 30th November
Student Free DayFriday 1st December 
Year 2 Planning DayWednesday 6th December 
Community PicnicWednesday 6th December (5.00-6:30pm)


  • Hats are required for Term 4

The Next Fortnight of Learning


In the upcoming weeks we are linking back to our work with persuasive texts. The Grade Twos will be revising their pieces to include text features such as 'facts, reasons, rule of 3, exaggeration, emotive language and rhetorical questions'. Students will be writing and refining their persuasive letters convincing a family member to adopt an animal from the RSPCA.



In Maths we will be delving into more of our problem solving and applying our reasoning skills. Students will be exploring fractions of a quantity and the different ways we can represent these, where we see fractions in real world scenarios while making connections to division and measurement.  



Students will use their knowledge of people in the past and present to participate in conversations about generations. They will pose questions to gather information and use specific language to describe the past, present and future. 



We are continuing our work around the topic of learning for 'Resilience Rights & Respectful Relationships: Gender & Identity.' We will be continuing to explore the ways in which we are all unique and how we all belong as part of a community. 


Kind regards,

Krystal Anderson, Hailee Eade and Kate Perrins