Foundation News 

Whisper Phones

The Whisper Phone is a listening tool used to help children practice reading skills. It is designed to engage and focus students when reading to themselves. It is also very useful to encourage children to proof read their writing, by reading aloud to themselves. Students have had the opportunity to use one during Independent Reading and during Guided Reading sessions.

Author Visit - Elyse Hunt

Millie Building Transition Sessions

Over the coming weeks, Foundation students will begin transition sessions into the Year 1/2 Millie Building. The purpose of these sessions is for students to become familiar with the learning spaces. We will begin with combined lessons with the Year 1/2's before moving onto whole class lessons in different classrooms.

Term 4 Show and Tell

Week 4

My Favourite Season - What is your favourite season?

Make a poster with pictures and writing of your favourite season.


I can speak clearly when talking in front of the class.

Week 5

Create a cloud picture - what do you see?

You could draw/paint/use craft materials


I can use appropriate volume when talking to people.

Week 6

What would you change about Miners Rest Primary School?

Draw and write about one thing you would change if you were principal.


I can give my opinion. 

Crazy Hair and Hat Day