From the Classroom - S4

My Classroom Economy

What a two weeks we have had! A huge congratulations to our campers and the successes they have achieved over the last fortnight. 


This term in Year 5/6, students are learning about Economics and Business. 

In order to understand how our economy works, we are simulating the economy in our classroom. In the past 3 weeks, students have been writing resumes and job applications for positions within the classroom. These range from classroom banker to fine officer and are all modified within the classroom. 


Now that students have been assigned a 'job', they will be paid a salary based on their performance. They need to use this salary to rent their table and be mindful of fines they might incure throughout the week for 'off task' behaviour or not following the classroom agreement. At the end of each week, students will engage in an auction where they can bid for reward items if they have money left - or they might choose to save their money for the next week. 


Alongside 'My Classroom Economy' the students are learning about business and economics through learning modules that deal with identifying needs and wants, consumer choice, business decision making and much more.