Sickbay/First Aid

Student Medication

Firstly, a quick introduction. You may have seen my face around school or received a phone call from me. My name is Becca, and I am in the first aid/admin space on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I have bright red hair, adore the colour pink and talk about Harry Potter, books and my dogs non-stop. Thank you to every member of staff, students and families for the warm welcome. It's an absolute delight to get to meet and know you all! 

Secondly, I just wanted to provide some important information regarding medications at the school. This does include ongoing medication, as-per-needed medications and inhalers. As per the Departments regulations there are certain things that are non-negotiables when having medication within an education setting. 


So, if your child/ren require medication please can we ensure that it meets the following criteria:

  • accompanied by written advice providing directions for appropriate storage and administration (medication authority form available from the office)
  • in the original container
  •  with the original label including:
    •  name of the student          
    •  information on the dosage 
    • time to be administered.
  • within its expiry date

This allows us to ensure: 

  • the correct student receives their correct medication in the proper dose via the correct method (such as inhaled or orally) at the correct time of day
  • To keep a medication log of medicine administered
  • teachers in charge of students (at the time their medication is required) are informed that the student needs to be medicated and release the student from class to obtain their medication.

Parents/ Caregivers may receive messages through Sentral in regard to expired medications and/or plans. When bringing in the new medications (mainly inhalers) please feel free to ask for the expired ones to take home and keep for emergencies or give permission for us to dispose of them. 


Reminder that at school we are not able to:

  • store or administer painkillers such as aspirin and paracetamol as a standard first aid strategy as they can mask signs and symptoms of serious illness or injury
  • allow a student to take their first dose of a new medication at school in case of an allergic reaction. This should be done under the supervision of the parent or carer, or health practitioner.
  • allow the use of medication by anyone other than the prescribed student.

Kind Regards 
