From the Principal

Lalor North Secondary Big Night Out
Scott and I had an incredible night enjoying the musical talents of schools in our area at Lalor North's annual Big Night Out. The event has expanded and actually ran over two nights this year. Our choir performed on the Thursday night and four of our students, Luise, Natale, Jessica and Joshna performed on both evenings. Both groups were amazing!
Another highlight of the evening was getting to see some of our former students perform on the evening as well. Shout out to some of our former students for their performances on the night, Therea (Luise's big sister), Luca, Charlie and Matthew. It is great to see them persuing their music passions. Other former students played roles at front of house and behind the scenes.
Thanks to Lalor North for including us in this wonderful event. A lot of hard work goes into making these events successful. We can't wait for next's year's performance!
Will your child be at LEPS in 2024?
Staff are busily working behind the scenes to prepare for 2024. If you know your child will not be at LEPS in 2024, please contact the school and let us know. Thank you to the families who have already let us know they are moving to new houses. It really helps with our forward planing.
Remember, if your child is 5 or will turn 5 by 28 April, they are eligible to enrol for Prep for 2024. Please contact the office to get an enrolment form. Prep transition sessions will start in November and we would hate for any new preps to miss out on coming to school to practise being 'big kids'!
Tree removal works
I am sure some children went home last week and let you know that 'their favourite tree was cut down.' We recently had a tree audit and several of our trees were deemed to be unsafe and needed to be removed. The majority of this work was completed during the holidays with the exception of everyone's 'favourite tree' the one in the P-2 play area near the sandpit. Sadly this tree, whilst very beautiful, was considered too risky to remain. We will be looking to replant other trees which do not grow as tall as some of the ones which needed to be removed.
Thank you Officeworks Epping
Thanks to Bara and the team at Officeworks for their generous donation of art supplies to use for one of the prizes for our Christmas raffle. The lucky winner will have lots of fun with these cool craft things in the holiday break
We will be calling for donations from our community for other prizes in the next few weeks.
Coffee and Chat
Scott, Julie and I will be hosting our Coffee and Chat session on Monday 30 October at 9:30am (after assembly). Please join us in the staffroom, we'd love to see you and chat about how things are going to LEPS.
Next year is our school review and we would love to gather some current feedback from our families. We promise it will not be stressful, it will just be a chat!