Grade 4/5G Update

Mrs. Liz Grant
Mrs. Liz Grant

Liz Grant


Welcome to Term Four!


The weeks seem to be going by so fast, it will be the end of the year before we know it. The children have settled into the term extremely well, ready for some busy weeks ahead.

This week we began our swimming program, please have your child organise their own belongings each day.


Our Learning


Our Writing focus this term is narrative. We are learning about the structure and features of writing a narrative story. The children have enjoyed reading a range of picture story books together as they plan the narrative they will write about. Last week we got very creative and each designed and made a setting from their own story. As a part of our Inquiry unit ‘Frame by Frame’ they will make a stop motion animation telling the most interesting part of the story they have developed.


In Maths we started the term looking at measurement where we compared objects using area and volume as well as using different units of measurement to measure and compare length, mass and capacity. Next week are about to start to revise of the concepts of multiplication and the strategies used to recall multiplication facts. 



On the 29th of November all the Grade Five students will be heading over to St Bernard’s School to attend Just Leadership Day. The Just Leadership Day is designed and organised to allow student leaders from across the Sandhurst Diocese to meet, network, listen and interact with guest speakers and learn more about leadership and in particular social justice issues. The students will have the opportunity to interact and network with other like-minded students from surrounding schools and brainstorm ideas to enhance our leadership in 2024.