
Overseas work experience and volunteering
Companies such as Projects Abroad offer work experience and volunteer programs for high school students.
Examples of programs include:
Medical interning
Rainforest conservation
Volunteering with children
Wildlife conservation
Diving and marine conservation.
Countries include:
Costa Rica
South Africa etc.
Explore the Projects Abroad website for information,
Young Endeavour Program
In the Young Endeavour program, young people work together to operate a sailing ship over 10 – 13 days and develop leadership and teamwork skills. This is an amazing program and it’s very competitive to gain a place. Dates for 2023 and 2024 are available on the Young Endeavour website. Cost is $2,300 and includes accommodation and meals on the ship. For information, visit
RISE Global Leaders
Rise is a program that finds promising young people and provides them with opportunities that allow them to work together to serve others over their lifetimes. An initiative of Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, Rise is the anchor program of a $1 billion commitment from Eric and Wendy Schmidt to find and support global talent.
Key benefits
All Rise Global Winners receive access to the following benefits and participate in the following programs upon selection:
- Access to need-based scholarships at any accredited university
- Mentorship and career services for personal, academic, or professional guidance
- Access to the Global Winner Network, and much more.
Information -
Applications close for the program on 17 January 2024. A virtual information session is being held on 4 November, register here -
US and UK academic tours
If you’re keen to study at a US College or a UK university, you may be interested in applying for an academic tour organised by Crimson Education.
The next tour is the Ivy League Model United Nations Delegation in January 2024. Students will visit top US universities and learn about campus life, visit Tiger Global, United Nations and the US Capitol, learn about US history and culture, and make friends from around the world. For information, visit
With the summer holidays coming up, now is the perfect time to start applying for jobs. There are several methods for finding employment.
1. Cold Calling
Did you know that many jobs aren’t advertised? These employers rely on word of mouth and/or contact people who drop in resumes to their business. This is called ‘cold calling’. What does this mean for you? It means you have to be:
2. Proactive
Get your resume and cover letter together, use/buy/borrow a smart outfit and hit the streets. Employers love young people who demonstrate initiative and independence.
3. Organised
Ask someone to go over your resume to look for spelling and grammatical errors. Ensure it is formatted correctly and no more than 2-pages. Be careful of using online resume builders as often the formatting looks poor. Youth Central has excellent sample resumes,
4. Engaged
Let everyone know you are looking for casual employment. Word of mouth is a powerful tool for finding a job. Contact the referees on your resume to let them know they may receive calls from employers.
5. Register with businesses
Some businesses allow prospective employees to register with their organisation and apply for jobs advertised on their website. Simply Google the name of the business + the term ‘jobs’ for information on how to express your interest in working for the company. For example, ‘KFC jobs’.
6. Search for advertised jobs
The following websites are great to bookmark and check regularly:
Also check the classified section in your local newspaper.
Use the Summer Jobs website to search for jobs in your area -
Excellent job seeking resources
For job seeking tips, and resume/cover letter templates, check out the resources at Youth Central-
Rights and responsibilities
Know your rights and responsibilities when starting a new job,
Tax File Number (TFN)
If you don’t have a TFN, you will need to apply for one via the Australian Tax Office -
Learn about safety in the workplace
It’s very important to understand safety in the workplace. Learn how to stay safe at work -
STEM + Built Environment
Love design, business, environmental sustainability, STEM, and/or law?
Want to be part of shaping future cities and improving our current ones?
Do you love teamwork, solving problems, being innovative, have great communication skills, and excellent attention to detail? The built environment industry needs you!
Examples of built environment occupations in include:
Landscape architecture
Urban planning
Urban design
Land surveying
Building surveying
Property valuation
Civil engineering
Construction management
Real estate development
Heritage consulting
For information on jobs in this exciting industry, download the Careers with STEM Future Cities Shaper Job Kit via
Quiz: Explore Your STEM + Design Career Knowledge!
Are you intrigued by the prospect of shaping future cities? Dive into the exciting world of STEM + design and construction careers to test your understanding of the diverse roles in this field. You might uncover a new career path that sparks your interest! Take the quiz,
Unlocking the Magic of Liveable Spaces with STEM!
Imagine a world where architects, designers, urban planners, and construction wizards join forces to create spaces that not only cater to our needs but also protect our planet's beauty. From preserving trees to using sustainable materials, these STEM superheroes make our world a better place, one building at a time! Read more via
Early childhood education
Early childhood education officers play a vital role in a child's life. They create a nurturing environment that sparks curiosity and sets the stage for lifelong learning. These caregivers and educators help kids grow, explore, and build a strong foundation for their bright futures.
Year13 has put together a brand-new short course called Serious about Play in conjunction with the Department of Education and Training Victoria. This program gives a look into the attributes, skills and qualifications needed to begin an exciting journey as an Early Childhood Teacher or Educator,
Aviation Protection Officer (APOs)
APOs are the superheroes of the airport! They're the ones who keep you safe and make sure your adventures in the sky are worry-free. They prevent security issues from happening, respond to emergencies, and make sure everyone follows the rules. The next time you take a flight and go through the scanning area with your bags, check out how professional the APOs are. Interested in learning more? Check out this exciting occupation via
The Australian Defence Force Cyber Gap Program (Year 11 students)
This program is for you if:
- You are an Australian citizen
- You want to be a cyber-warrior or be on the front line in cyberspace
- You are planning to study cyber security at university or TAFE in 2025
- You would like assistance and mentoring
- Would like assistance with your course fees – you will be reimbursed up to $15,000.
At the end of your studies, there’s no obligation to join the ADF. Year 11 students can apply for this amazing program during Year 12 for the 2025 intake. Bookmark the following page and check for application dates next year,
The following programs are running during the Christmas break.
Magnify Music Camp
Magnify is an intensive high-level skills camp for high school students between the ages of 14 – 18 who are serious about career success in the field of music. Run by Box Hill Institute, the camp will run between 15 - 20 January 2024. There will be a final concert on Friday night, where students can show off their newfound skills. Entry is by audition and there are only 30 places. The cost is $450,
Insights Program
NIE and Immerse Education offers an amazing 11-day residential program in Sydney for students who are passionate about academics. The program will run between 3 – 13 January 2024 and most streams are almost full.
Streams cover study areas such as medicine, business, creative writing, veterinary studies, international studies, and psychology. The cost is over $10,000 and students will stay on campus at a University of Sydney College. For information and to apply, visit
Future Doctors Program - Medicine Work Experience
NIE offers a 4-day intensive work experience program for students interested in medicine. Cost is $2,290 and doesn’t cover transport or accommodation. The Melbourne program will run between 19 – 22 January 2024 and is currently 45% full. For information and to apply, visit
University of Melbourne - VCE Summer School
The University of Melbourne will run a two-week summer school in January for students entering Year 12 in 2024. Applications haven’t opened yet, but students can read about the program and complete an expression of interest for the program via
Filmmaking Summer School
Filmmaking for the Digital Age: this intensive summer school is taught by Australia’s leading film industry professionals and is suited to people from all ages and backgrounds.
When: 12 - 14 January 2024.
Where: Dancehouse, Carlton North, Vic.
Campion College Summer Program
The immersive four-day program provides the opportunity to reside on campus and interact with like-minded peers. We have a fun-filled program including movies, trivia, dancing, and sports, as well as sample lectures from our history, literature, philosophy, and theology professors. Must be 16 – 20 years old.
When: 9 – 12 or 16 – 19 January 2024.
Where: Campion College, Toongabbie, NSW.
The University of Melbourne is running an exciting 3-day program at the Dookie campus between 29 November – 1 December 2023 for Year 9 and 10 students. Dookie campus is a working farm - a centre of agricultural research and teaching. You will join scientists and agricultural student mentors in hands on activities in the laboratory and paddock investigating real world issues. There are 8 places left and accommodation is available at an additional cost. Book your place via
Current Year 11 students who are considering applying for undergraduate medicine and/or dentistry courses in the future may need to sit the Undergraduate Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) in Year 12 for the 2025 intake,
NIE is running a free webinar on 15 November that will cover questions about the test. Students and their families can register for the webinar via
The Gordon, Geelong, is running an exciting 4-day hospitality bootcamp for young people keen to explore a career in hospitality between 20 – 23 November. The program aims to prepare students for the summer season of work through interactive workshops and the completion of short courses such as RSA, espresso coffee basics, food service skills, and point of sale. For information and to apply for the program, visit
Interested in a career in the Army, Navy or Air Force? Check the amazing career information sessions running across the country and online,
Year 10 and 11 students are invited to explore the Peninsula campus on Thursday 23 November. A series of exciting workshops will be run focussed on business, nursing, and health & physical education teaching. Students will participate in two workshops, tour the campus, and have a free lunch. For information and to register your place, visit
AIE is a creative media college offering exciting courses in areas such as: Game Art, Game Design, 3D Animation & Film FX, and Filmmaking. The Academy is running an open day on Saturday 18 November at the Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Canberra campuses. Information and registration,
Did you know that by November 2026, an estimated 91.7% of job opportunities will require post-school qualifications?
These qualifications include vocational training that you can pursue at institutions like TAFE and polytechnic institutes, which are widely accessible across Australia.
These institutes offer a range of programs, including vocational courses and, in some cases, higher education options. Some of them are even affiliated with universities.
In Australia, there are six 'dual-sector' institutes, meaning they provide both TAFE and university courses. In Victoria, the following institutes fall into this category:
RMIT University
Swinburne University of Technology
Victoria University/Victoria Polytechnic
Federation University
These institutions can offer you a diverse range of educational pathways to prepare for the changing demands of the job market.
Why should you consider studying at TAFE?
- Can give you the opportunity to trial an industry or career area before you commit to university study.
- Can give you a qualification you can use to gain part time work whilst undertaking university study.
- Employers love candidates with job ready skills!
- Obtain a qualification in a relatively short time frame.
- You won’t need an ATAR or prerequisite school subjects for most courses, so the courses are accessible for most school leavers.
- Higher level courses (e.g., Diploma) can provide a direct pathway into university courses with credit.
Luke would love to work with animals in the future but he isn’t sure what to study. He explores TAFE courses such as:
- Veterinary nursing
- Captive animals
- Animal studies
- Companion animal services
- Pet grooming
- Racing (stable hand, trackwork rider)
- Horse breeding
- Equine studies.
Luke can’t decide between veterinary nursing or zoo keeping as a pathway, so decides on the following plan:
Start with a general qualification
2024: Complete the Certificate II in Animal Studies and combine this with part time employment at a local boarding kennel or volunteer with a local wildlife rescue organisation.
Zoo Keeping pathway
Apply for the Taronga Zoo Certificate III in Wildlife and Exhibited Animal Care (at the Melbourne campus).
Veterinary Nursing pathway
Complete the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing via a traineeship or partnership between a vet clinic and a registered training organisation such as the Australian College of Veterinary Nursing.
Rohan is a ‘people person’. He loves interacting with people, is the socialite of the group, loves organising events, and is an excellent communicator. He explores courses such as:
- Hospitality management
- Hotel management
- Resort management
- Event management
- Travel and tourism
- Aviation (Cabin Crew)
Jane knows she loves working with people, has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is creative, loves thinking outside the box, is highly organised and enjoys solving problems. She explores the following TAFE courses:
- Public Relations
- Marketing
- Advertising
- Professional Writing and Editing
- Broadcast Journalism
- Liberal Arts
- Library and Information Services
Sheridan loves sciences and health and is considering working in rehabilitation, medical sciences or allied health in the future. She explores the following courses:
- Dental Technology
- Nursing
- Massage and Myotherapy
- Allied Health Assistance
- Laboratory Technology
- Pathology Collection
Paul knows he loves helping people and that he would like to work in counselling, case management, or human services in the future. He explores the following courses:
- Community Services
- Youth Work
- Disability Services
- Mental Health
- Alcohol and other Drugs
- Aged Care
To search for TAFE courses, use the following websites:
Victorian Skills Gateway website -
Your Career (Australia wide) -
Examples of occupations with predicted employment growth by November 2026 include:
- aged and disabled carers
- general clerks
- chefs
- ICT support technicians
- electricians
- education aides
- child carers
- plumbers
Applications are open for most TAFE and polytechnic institutes and private providers. The following is important to know:
Competitive courses may have early closing dates.
You may need to complete additional tasks as part of your application such as portfolios, literacy and numeracy tests, information sessions, applying for a Working With Children Check, etc.
Contact the TAFE for information.
Now is a great time to be searching for your dream apprenticeship/traineeship!
There are many positions available for enthusiastic young people who are keen to work hard, earn while you learn, and obtain a portable qualification.
Get specialised support
Register with local Group Training Organisations (GTOs) and Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers. Staff from these organisations are highly skilled and can assist you through all stages of finding, securing, and undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship. Search for organisations via
What is a gap year?
Traditionally a gap year was taken by Year 12 students who deferred their universities studies for 12-months. Now gap years are taken by students who would like to delay their TAFE or university studies or apprenticeships.
What are the benefits of taking a gap year?
There are many benefits for young people – the following are several:
Financial: save money to fund future study/training.
Career development: complete a traineeship, TAFE course, volunteering etc., before starting university studies. This may improve your graduate employment prospects and give you practical employment skills.
Take a break: if you’re feeling burnt out from study, taking a break may be beneficial for your mental wellbeing.
Give you time to firm up your future goals: if you’re feeling unsure about your study or training plans, a gap year may give you time to explore your goals, attend open days, participate in work or training related to your interests, and give you more time to make sure the course or training you want to do in the future is right for you.
Gap year programs
Year13 have put together a list of companies that offer working holidays, travel, and volunteer gap year programs,
J.P. Morgan - Business Traineeship
Attention all Year 12 grads who are passionate about pursuing a career in finance. J.P. Morgan has an exciting 2-year traineeship position available at Sydney. You’ll gain real work experience and exposure to top professionals within the bank. By developing essential knowledge, skills and industry connections, you'll take a powerful step towards a future career in finance. For information on the position and to apply, visit
Farm jobs in regional areas
If you are looking for a casual farm job over the summer holidays, Harvest Trail Information Service is a company that can assist. This is a free service to job seekers,
Congratulations to all students who have received an early entry offer or offers. There are a few early entry programs still open. The following are examples:
Principal’s Recommendation Scheme Victorian, NSW, and QLD courses
Applications close 1 December 2023
Federation University
Early Offer Program, Victorian courses
Applications close 1 December 2023
Deakin University
Regional Access Scheme, Victorian courses
Applications close 4pm, 13 December 2023
Torrens University
Early Entry Program, NSW, QLD and SA courses. Applications close – TBC
Download early entry and VTAC guides via
Applications close for
| |
19 | La Trobe University - Elite Athlete Adjustment Factor Application. |
21 | Australian Catholic University – Elite Athlete and Performer Program. |
24 | Victoria University – Elite Athlete Program |
29 | Deakin University – Elite Athlete and Performers Adjustment Scheme. |
Applications close for
| |
1 | The University of Melbourne, Elite Athletes and Artistic Performers Scheme. |
1 | CQUniversity – Principal’s Recommendation Scheme |
1 | Federation University – Early Entry |
| Deakin University – Regional Access Scheme
VTAC Applications
| |
1 | Personal Statement applications close |
11 | VCE results and ATAR released |
13 | Last day to finalise course preferences (Vic students) |
14 | Last day to finalise course preferences (NSW students) |
21 | December round offers released |
January offer round 1 released on 12 January 2024. |
Download early entry and UAC guides via
University applications – UAC
| |
3 | Preferences close for Schools Recommendation Scheme |
10 | Offers released for Schools Recommendation Scheme |
23 | Educational Access Scheme - applications close for December Round 2 offers. |
Early entry applications close for:
| |
| CQUniversity – Principal’s Recommendation Scheme |
University applications – UAC
| |
8 | Equity Scholarships – applications close for December 2 Round of offers. |
21 | December Round 2 offers released (main round for Year 12 applicants). |
Australian Catholic University (ACU) - scholarships seminar
Participate in an information webinar on 22 November and learn about scholarships at ACU,
For a list of examples of ‘external’ tertiary scholarships, visit
Scholarships – now open
Gardiner Foundation Tertiary Scholarship
For students planning to study a TAFE or university course in agriculture. Focussed on the dairy industry. Applications close 20 November,
Charlie Bell Scholarship for Future Leaders
Charlie Bell Scholarship for Future Leaders: for students who have been treated at a Children’s Hospital for Serious Illness or Injury and will be eligible to attend a tertiary or vocational institution such as University, College, or TAFE in 2024. Selection will be made by the Ronald McDonald House Awards Committee. Applications close 30 November 2023,
Rural Pharmacy Scheme and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme
These scholarships are for students planning to study a degree that leads to a registrable qualification as a Pharmacist. Applications close 31 November 2023,
Westpac Young Technologists Scholarship
Scholars must be intending to commence a STEM related degree at one of five partner universities: RMIT University, University of Wollongong, Queensland University of Technology, Murdoch University, or Western Sydney University. Applications close 15 January 2024,
The Careers Team
Careers Leader – Natasha Boyko
Neighbourhood 1 Biyala – Susan Barr
Neighbourhood 2 Dharnya – Graeme Crosbie
Neighbourhood 3 Bayuna – Dan Watson
Partnerships Manager – Mary-Ann Linehan
Industry Engagement Priority Cohorts Coordinator – Colleen Wilkinson