Art & Technology Domain Spotlight

Mrs MacDonald's Art students have been busy working on portraits that they will be painting in the coming weeks. Here they are in their drawn form:
Carly MacDonald
Art Teacher
Theatre Studies
Theatre studies students presented their Unit 4 Monologues and Unit 1 Greek Tragedy Antigone and their Commedia dell’Arte play in the Enterprise Theatrette to an audience of fellow students, parents and friends on Thursday 12 October. All students did an excellent job performing. Congratulations to all.
Pictured are the students rehearsing in costume for both Unit 1 plays.
(Charlotte Amadei as Antigone, Isabelle Lavis as her sister Ismene, Charley Mark as Chorogas the main Chorus commentator, Josh Mills as Creon the king, Tiffani Jefferis as messenger and chorus and Madison Deith (stand in Creon) and Masti Prajapati as the chorus. Not pictured but present on performance night are Brodie Alexander, Tiffani Jefferis and Josh Mills).
Kerry Cameron
Theatre Studies Teacher
The Media department has several community collaborations in process that allow students to work with clients on the production and support for promotional videos. We are developing and researching a range of ways to promote the work of the Committee4Greater Shepparton Community Connector program. Working with David Bajada L2P Project Worker to promote this wonderful program to our community.
We are providing technical support and equipment through DET for the Lighthouse Foundation to develop possible ways to encourage school attendance. Part two of our video “The Road to Freedom” will be completed early 2024 with support from the ADF. This video is showing the real story of the refugee and involves over forty-five students in its production.
Chelsea Kelly and Zahraa Algazaly won prizes in the Colours of Spring Exhibition run by the North Shepparton Community and Learning Centre.
Darryl McConnell
Media/Photography Teacher
It is a very busy time in the Technology domain as we near the end of the year. Our students are busy putting their design thinking, problem solving and manufacturing skills into practice with projects such as acrylic device holders, designing and manufacturing an ergonomic pen, wooden mobile flying birds, mechanical pull along toys, cultivating their knowledge of simple mechanisms and moving parts, investigating LED technology for a desk lamp. In this project students are using simple electronics and learning to solder. In Engineering and Fabrication students learn to accurately mark out, cut, fold and rivet sheet material to create a toolbox and make hand tools which can be used in other projects.
Year 11 students are working hard to complete Unit 2 and will be delivering their finished products to Bouchier Primary school later in the term. They have learned about designing products using Computer Aided Design and some have used the CNC router to cut their designs.
Earlier in the semester La Trobe visited as part of the careers expo and were so impressed with our digital tech curriculum, they approached the school with an offer to collaborate to build an Advance Standing program for the CSIT Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Engineering) course. They are reaching out to compare content coverage on one of their first semester units that matches quite close with much of the content already covered within the Digital Technologies curriculum for year 7 through to year 12. Adam Fox is currently liaising with La Trobe to expand this and open an amazing opportunity for ICT career focused students at GSSC. So exciting for our students.
Claire Garnham