2024 House Captains

Lucy Ludlow
I applied for the role of House Captain for Murray House because I want to make a positive impact on the high school experience of Murray students in 2024. With previous leadership roles under my belt, I was excited to take on this opportunity to be a leader that others can look up to, share their ideas with and be assured that together we can make Murray the best it can be!I hope to help achieve a greater sense of belonging and comradely amongst students in Murray house, and hopefully school wide! I hope to do this by organising and running more fun school events and activities for students to get involved in and connect with others through. And of course, encouraging participation in good ol’ events like the Athletics Carnival. A little bit about me; I love art and singing and am one of four children in my family. I actually have an identical twin sister, Stephanie, who I love to perform with at school and in the Shepparton community as ‘The Ludlow Twins’.
Zaine Langley
I decided to take the role of house captain to be a positive role model to younger students. I’d like to lead my house to a victory in a school-based sporting event and improve the overall relationships between houses in the schoolI like playing AFL and video games. I am a causal worker at Coles, and I love spending time with friends and family.
Shayne Taylor
I decided to apply for Lachlan House Captain to show and develop my skills of being a leader. This role will give me the opportunity to encourage others around the school and during school carnivals. I look forward to participating in leadership meetings and sharing the students’ ideas. I hope to show the school values and take ideas, issues and improvements to school leadership on behalf of the students. My biggest dream is to travel the world. I have been to the Great Wall of China but there is so much of the world I want to see. I have three brothers and love camping.
Elijah Liddy
I decided to apply for House Captain to test my skills in all aspects and to be a good role model for those in younger year levels. As House Captain I hope to make a difference so that both students and staff enjoy something that can continue for years to come. Something about me is that I am a casual worker at both McDonald’s and Big W. In my free time I like going to the gym and spending time with family and friends.
Sophie O’Connor
I applied for the role of House Captain for Ovens because I had the honour of having the role in Year 9 and wanted to take it up again because I enjoyed the position and expanding my understanding of what leadership was.
I hope to gain more confidence in public speaking by not getting as nervous when talking in front of a crowd and create a connection with my fellow partner and peers.
I play the cello for the school's string ensemble. I also take part in singing lessons at the school because I love to sing and I love going to the gym with friends. I'd love to travel all over Europe especially see Italy and Greece.
Farzana Khademi
I applied for Ovens House Captain because I want to make a change in Ovens and be the person that people in my house can come to for support. I also hope to inspire and motivate the Ovens students to be the best they can be and lead Ovens to greatness.
I hope to improve my leadership skills and confidence, as well as make connections with the students and staff in ovens house and make them comfortable and happy. I hope to encourage students to participate in school events and win.
Something about me is that I love playing sports and traveling and I wish to solo travel one day. I love meeting new people and learning about their different cultures and I am always up to trying new things.
Jodella Iradukunda
I decided to apply for the House Captain role to help take the student’s voice to the leadership team and to create positive change and contribute to the success of GSSC.
Something that I would like to achieve in this role is to gain more public speaking experience and to feel as if I have made a difference at the school.
Something about me is that I love sports, especially basketball. A lot of people may already know me as I love to interact with people and spend time with family and friends.
Sharon Simaika
I decided to apply for the Goulburn House Captain position because I hope to use it as a platform to speak up, as well as expanding my experience and skills in leadership.
One thing I hope to archive is a sense of pride and lead by example. I hope to make positive change and be inclusive to those who feel like they are not heard or seen by others.Something about myself is that I am a very strong and proud Samoan Tenie (Lady). I love everything about my culture and other people’s cultures as well. Whether that’s learning new things about my own or really getting to understand everyone’s culture - the whole aspect just amazes me. I also dedicate majority of my free time to volunteering, with organisation Point of Difference (POD). I love helping the community as well as trying to build a stronger connection within the community.
Bella Barton
I chose House Captain after going for College Captain. I didn't get the College Captain role, but I wanted to still make a difference. I'd love for our houses to be able to work together to improve the school and well-being of students. And I wouldn't mind if my house won all the PAC cups too. Fun fact, the first Prime Minister of Australia is Edmund Barton and my family has carried his name all the way down to me!
Ellie Parr
I applied for the Kiewa House Captain for the leadership experience along with being a positive role model towards my fellow students. I hope to inspire Kiewa and my peers to demonstrate good sportsmanship and uplift each other, both during sport activities and around the school in general. When I’m older I want to become a Paediatric Occupational Therapist.
Joy Etaka
I applied for the role because I wanted to take on something new, I wanted to be someone that people can look up to and improve on my leadership skills.Something I would like achieve in this role is to be a positive role model for the younger students and create a positive outcome for the school.A few things about me, I work as a coach at Jets Gymnastics and I do dance outside of school at Amy Newton Dance Studio. I like to sing in my free time.
Regan Ayton
I applied for the role of house captain because I was encouraged by my teachers and peers that I'd do a good job the position
I’d like to be a positive role model towards the younger students
I work part time at Bunnings, enjoy spending time with friends and family and enjoy going to the gym.
Muhammad Hossain
Since my enrolment into this school and into the Loddon house, I have always had a positive rapport with the people within it, whether it be the staff or the students. I feel that I can increase my connection to the Loddon house through this leadership role.
First and foremost, I intend to finish my secondary education and I plan to deliver as a House Captain inside and outside of the school. I intend to partake in events as House Captain that represent my house and the school and I hope that I can contribute to bringing in new initiatives into the Loddon house, so that the other houses can also be inspired and can also compete with equal magnitude.
I am the eldest of three siblings, my favourite hobby is to play on the piano on my phone. I like keeping things clean and organised – it makes me feel orderly and motivates me to complete tasks, whether it be schoolwork or other.
Regan Hunt
I decided to apply for House Captain because I wanted to give a voice to the students in Loddon house and to set an example for future year levels and future captains to do their best in all aspects of school.
Throughout this role, I hope to gain my confidence in speaking in front of others and to create stronger connections with staff and students around campus.
I enjoy playing badminton during the winter seasons and for winter sports. I also enjoy reading books while also listening to music. My dream career would to be a forensic scientist.
Abby Hill
I decided to become a House Captain to represent the students in Murrumbidgee, becoming a voice for them and to continue to improve my leadership qualities.I want to be able to achieve in being a role model to the other students and create a safe atmosphere in school where everyone feels happy to attend. Some fun facts about me… I am planning on finishing school and going to Uni to become a primary school teacher. I have a job at McDonalds as an area leader and I love to bake!
Samantha Comline
I decided to apply for this role because I am passionate about Murrumbidgee and I would like to set a positive example for other Murrumbidgee students.I hope to be able to inspire others to participate in school sporting events. I want to encourage others to give it a crack and have fun.
In my free time I like to draw and create pieces of art. I love drawing because it’s relaxing and I have something tangible to look back on.
Emily Butcher
I decided to apply for House Captain because I wanted to become more a part of the school community and have a positive impact in the leadership role for my house and strive for greatness. I hope to achieve a sense of pride, to also lead by example and inspire each student to be their very best and create a team of students who can rely on and bounce off each other. Something about myself is that after I graduate, I plan on attending university in Bendigo to study nursing and midwifery.
Erin Culhane
I decided to apply for Warrego House Captain because I wanted the students of blue house to have a positive role model. I want to help support students in my house, whether it be in the PAC cup or other school events like sports carnivals.
I hope to build a stronger community within Warrego and through this role, I want students to feel encouraged by me to participate in class and school activities. I think that I will also benefit from this role and I hope for my confidence and public speaking to improve.
Something about myself … I love to camp and fish. I also like to dance and I take hip hop classes.