Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Zoe Underwood | For the enthusiasm she shows everyday towards her learning and achieving her goals, especially in reading | Sophie Donker |
PB | Mia Wylde | For working hard towards her writing goal of recording sounds in words | Florence Thomas |
PC | Leni Grant | For working hard on her goals in writing. | Harlow Smith |
1A | Maeve Lane | For always being a role model in our classroom and displaying our school values consistently | Breannon Davis |
1B | Harry Hrovatin | For working hard on his writing. | Evie Lancashire |
1C | Lincoln Otteraa | For always trying his best and being kind to his teachers and peers | Kayden Mcdorman |
2A | Lennon Stevens | For demonstrating his research skills and writing an informative explanation text | Jesse Hodor |
2B | Logan Peperkamp | For Being a Learner by working hard to research and complete his Explanation Text | Jordan Chambers |
2C | Kaiah Guerra | For an outstanding effort in writing | Sela McLeod |
3/4A | Aaron Gibson | For working hard to improve his learning. | Tilly Kendall |
3B | Tylah Ford | For continually trying her hardest in all learning tasks and having a “can do” attitude when confronted with a challenge | Jasmine Gusew |
3C | Jacob Weller | For successfully calculating change to the nearest 5 cents | Sophie Irvine |
4B | Orla Connolly | For continued effort across all learning areas | Ruby Hunter |
4C | Annabel Thorn | For continued effort across all learning areas | Charlotte Travers |
5A | Alexis Guerra | For outstanding effort and results in maths | Beau Jorgenson |
5B | Leigh Collins | For showing outstanding skills when working with decimals | Lucas Humphries |
5C | Sienna Simes | For showing greater confidence and understanding of decimals. | Ruby Lambert |
5/6D | Evan Rapetti | For engaging with our mathematics problem solving tasks with enthusiasm | Amelia Gazzard |
6B | Jemma Griffin | For seeking help and taking on feedback to write a fantastic persuasive writing piece | Kai Heinselman |
6C | Tyson Boffey | For applying himself well to all of his mathematics assessments | Zachary Topp |