From the Principal 

Week 5 Term 4 2023

Dear Parents and Carers


Colour Run4Fun

Thank you to all the families who have signed up for our Colour Run4Fun event. The children are really looking forward to this.  We plan on commencing the event at 1.30pm and will conclude at 2.30pm.  This gives us plenty of time to walk back to school. If you are planning on picking your child up from the oval you will need to let your child's teacher know so that they can arrange for the student's bag to be taken down.  Looking forward to a great day.

Congratulations to 2M who won last weeks' prize.



There is no school next Monday Nov 6  and Tuesday Nov 7 for students.  


Outstanding Fees

There are a number of families with outstanding fees. Should you be experiencing difficulty please contact the office immediately, alternatively all outstanding payments should be finalised by the end of this week.  It is important that all fees are collected so that we can continue  to faciliate all the programs that currently operate. Thank you.


P and F AGM ( Repeat)


The Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends association will be held on Wednesday the 22nd of November in the staff room commencing at 7.00pm. I ask that if you are interested in joining the committee that you please attend. It's simple! We need more volunteers!!!!!!!! The P and F do an amazing job

of organising fundraising and social activities but we can't leave it to the same people year after year.  I really encourage as many people as possible to attend on the 2

2nd. I look forward to seeing the staffroom packed.



Last night the School Advisory Committee meet and reflected on the year and its many achievements. The SAC is a wonderful support to myself and provides feedback and advice. We work in conjunction with St Bridgets' and St Annes'


Next year there will be opportunities for other parents  to join the SAC.  If you are interested please email me with an expression of interest or if you want further informatiomn don't hesitiate to have a chat with me.


Have a great week
